26: Hide and seek

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Chapter 26: Hide and Seek

Max was awfully nice to me these days. He would spend as much time with us as possible, accept for the times when Audrey and I would be at school. We didn't joke around or throw any edible things at each other.

Turns out Max is actually good at cooking. Although Nowadays he has been cooking breakfast for us making my life a little easier. Since I don't have to wake up early in the morning to make breakfast, instead I can catch a few extra minutes of sleep.

Sometimes Audrey would fuss about her food which was often really tiresome. But Max would make sure Audrey finish her breakfast, which includes drinking a glass of milk if she wasn't having cereals (she hates drinking milk). He would make up some fairytales about monsters and dragons that Audrey loves, telling those stories with exaggerated hand gestures and sounds, next thing you know she's done with her breakfast as she would be too distracted listening to the story instead of fussing about food. That would bring a weird fuzzy feeling in my heart. They looked so cute together. I am pretty sure Max would have been great with his kids if he had them, but unfortunately he was dead.

Though we would still have our stupid little fights regardless of his change in behavior. These days we were too busy planning Audrey's seventh birthday. Last few years Audrey couldn't celebrate her birthday since we were a little low on money not to mention we had to move a lot. This year, with me having a job and a decent house, I decided to throw her a birthday party. Max would pretty much disagree on everything I would suggest. I thought of baking a birthday cake by myself but Max suggested we should get her a customized dragon cake.

"Uhh Max may I remind you that I don't think I can afford such an expensive cake".

"Oh okay. Too bad Audrey has to eat your sad little cakes on her special day", he pretended to frown.

"Jerk", I threw the remote at him, too bad he's a ghost and the remote just passed through him and hit the wall. I was exasperated, that remote definitely didn't survive the harsh hit.

But sometimes he would just end up being the sweetest guy ever. Like the day I had a stupid assignment due the next day.

"Stupid fucking rocks", I screamed as I looked at the rocks in front of me with murder in my eyes. "For my next Geology class I had to study various types of rocks and make a detailed report on it. That assignment carried thirty-five percent of my grade. Unfortunately all the rocks looked same to me just different in colors. I let out a long sigh feeling hopeless it was almost midnight, the report was due tomorrow and I wasn't going anywhere with it.

"Why are you whining?" Max asked, "I am trying to watch a game here".

"I have a stupid assignment to submit tomorrow but I am getting nowhere with it", I said yawning. I was sleepy, so sleepy that I felt like getting on my dining table and fall asleep on it amidst of the rocks lying on the table and books.

He got up from the couch and floated towards me. "What is it about?" he picked up one of the rocks, observing it.

"Rocks, Fucking rocks", I groaned placing my head on the table.

"How about you take a short nap and continue with the project?" he suggested after seeing my doze off, "I promise I will wake you up".

"No that will-".

"Grace trust me a good nap is what you need. I will wake you up. And may I remind you a ghost never sleeps". Maybe he's right. I should start after taking a short nap. Yielding, I got up stretching my t-shirt riding up, I immediately noticed Max looking at my exposed skin, so I pulled it down hesitating under his stare. "Okay ghost boy if you say so. Wake me up after an hour". I sauntered to my room after wishing him a goodnight.

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