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To your luck, or you should rather say to Negan's wives' luck, they stayed silent after you had threatened to hurt him. They left you alone and not even one of them bothered to talk to you.

The only question running through your mind was whether they would tell Negan what you did or whether they would keep their mouth shut. And more important was what he would do if he found out you threatened his wives. Then again you were one of his wives as well.

Considering the situation, it was more and more important for you to finally plan your escape. Even if it was without Daryl for now, you knew you would get him out at some point, but you needed to let Rick and everyone else know about this place and these people so they could finally fight back.

But for that you had to get into your bedroom to mark all the roads, the only problem was that you couldn't just go into your room until after dinner, except you were ordered to bed by the doctor.

You had to figure out some way to keep everything in mind for as long as you couldn't go to your room. Or perhaps you could try to let the doctor order you to some bed rest?

Perhaps that sounded like a great idea. You held one hand over your face and acted as if stumbled forward, holding onto a bookshelf standing in this room.

"Are you okay?" Sherry asked as she looked at you.

"I don't feel too well," you sighed a little. Within a second a blonde wife, named Amber as you learned during your time here, came to help you sit down.

"I'll tell Doctor Carson," Sherry stated before she disappeared through the walls. Looked like your plan was working out so far.

When Sherry came back without the doctor, you pouted a little to yourself. Was he not going to come check on you? Wasn't your case important enough? Cause if so, you failed miserably. But lucky enough just a few minutes later he indeed came to check on you.

You explained him what you were feeling, well not actually feeling, but you did a really great job at faking it, so that you wondered whether he was an actual doctor since he seemed to believe you everything.

Doctor Carson did a few tests on you before he nodded and came to a conclusion.

"You're dehydrated and slightly overheated. I would suggest for you to go lay down in your room and drink a lot of water, then it will probably be better in no time," he said and you nodded a little.

"Thank you. Doctor," you replied. Actually you were really surprised he was able to make a diagnosis considering you weren't actually feeling sick. Maybe you were an actual good actor and should've started as a movie star before the apocalypse.

Well, maybe someday there will be things like that again and if that's the case, you know exactly where to go, but for now the only place you wanted to go was your room.

"Should I help you get there?" Amber asked kindly and you shook your head.

"I should be fine. It's not too far after all," you gave her a gentle smile before slowly walking up.

"Sure you're not going to escape again?" Sherry asked and you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"How about that first time when you asked where the bathroom was, but actually you went to escape?" she stated and you shook your head. You knew one of them told Negan that you went away. Most likely after she had checked whether you were still in the bathroom or not.

Deciding not to answer her, you just slowly walked out of the room and headed for your bedroom, walking in your normal form as soon as you were out of eyesight.

Exhausted you dropped down onto your bed, you didn't even know why you felt so worn out. Perhaps you really drank too little today and perhaps you maybe had gotten too much of the sun today.

Maybe you could rest a bit before you went to work on the map and plans of when and how to escape. Just maybe. Or not.

Three loud knocks were heard on your door and you knew just who was standing there, but you didn't bother to get up.

"Why the fuck are you not fucking answering me?" Negan asked as he entered, just as you thought.

"Because I don't feel great and have been ordered to lay down," you rolled your eyes, knowing he couldn't see you.

"Well, with that fucking sight I can't stay mad at you," the grin on his face was audible as you realized just how you were exposing your clothed sex to him, since you took your legs up on the bed when you laid down and you wore a dress, as he wished. Quickly you put your legs flat on the bed, so he couldn't see them anymore and sat up.

"You're disgusting," you muttered out and furrowed your brows at him.

"Can't help a man, when you're fucking spreading your legs, basically inviting me to have a taste of you," he smirked and licked his lips. While you acted disgusted by his behavior, you couldn't help but feel a tingle in the pit of your stomach cause by his words.

"Whatever, Doctor Carson fucking told me he send you back here. Now why the fuck did he have to do that for?" Negan asked and stepped a little closer to you, Lucille right on his shoulder.

"Because I'm dehydrated and overheated. No wonder when I don't get anything to drink and then are forced to leave the cool place to be out in the glowing sun," while crossing your arms in front of your chest, you answered.

"Oh fucking sorry for not bringing you fucking water, I thought you were a grown ass woman, doll. But I'll make sure to let my men bring you enough fucking water next time," his grin was now slightly faded, obviously angry with your attitude.

"Why do you even care so much about what happens with me? Bet you never checked like this on your other wives," you finally asked. In the whole time you were here, you never noticed Negan paying as much attention to the other women, he seemed to adore, as he spent on you.

"Well, because you are a fucking special treat, doll," Negan winked at you and took your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting your head up so your eyes met his.

"And I can't have you get hurt or anything or even have you run away again, can I?" he whispered, only for you to hear before he backed away and left your room without any other word. Negan just turned around to face you again, the oh so familiar grin on his face as he winked at you before closing your door.

A frustrated sigh escaped your mouth as you mentally beat yourself up for thinking about Negan the way you were thinking. For starting to develop some liking for Negan, which you obviously weren't happy about.

Not at all.  

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