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The New Girl Has A Name

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Sebastian Evans

Everyone's attention was on the new girl as she made her way past us and towards her stuff on the bench. She had managed to take us all by surprise, and for once in my life I was completely and utterly speechless.

We were dead silent as she ruffled through her bag and took off her equipment. When she pulled off her jersey, exposing the skin tight under armor that clung to her curves like a second skin, no one could look away. After gathering all her stuff together, she glanced back at us with an amused grin and headed over to the girl's locker room.

As soon as she was out of sight everyone spoke at once. "Damn she's hot," Matt exclaimed from beside me.

I had to agree that she was very attractive, but what the hell was she doing on the rink with us? She did not being here. 

"Coach, what's she doing playing with us?" I shouted over to him.

He looked up from his clipboard and slowly made his way over to the bench area, which was now starting to smell like dead animals.

"She's a hell of a hockey player and there's no girl team, so I told her she could try out."

I didn't hold back my laugh. "You can't be serious!"

He looked dead into my eyes with the most serious face he could muster. "I am one hundred percent serious. Not only is she better than half of you, but she hustles and doesn't complain. I could use about ten of her on this team."

"I could think of about ten different ways I could use her," Matt chuckled under his breath.

Coach must have heard him because he took a menacing step forward and pointed straight at Matt. "There will be none of that silly teenage hormonal stuff going on. If she's on the team, consider her one of the boys and not a potential girlfriend. You hear me? If I find out that any of you get involved with her, both parties will be off the team."

"So she's already on the team? Coach! Come on she's a girl," I complained.

"She earned her spot fair and square," he said emphasizing the word fair.

I couldn't believe it. After three years of busting my ass to get a great team together, it was all going to fall apart senior year. She would ruin our team by distracting everyone. How could Coach do this to us?

"Now everyone shower and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow I'm only going to push you harder."

Grumbling, I grabbed my stuff and followed Matt into the locker room. Kent was already changing for a shower when I stomped in. He was our starting goalie, and a hell of a good one. Matt was my best friend hands down, but Kent was a cool guy.

"She's good, isn't she?" Kent asked.

I didn't answer him. No matter how good she was she didn't belong on the ice with us.

"Oh come on, she's pretty cool too. I have a couple of classes with her. I don't think she'll cause—"

"What? Are you in love with her or something?" I snapped.

Kent avoided conflict as much as possible, so I wasn't surprised when he walked off towards the showers without answering me. I didn't care if she was cool, or the best damn hockey player on the team, she didn't belong on this team.

"It's not that big of a deal man. Besides, she's not hard to look at either,"

Matt stood across from me with a sly grin spread across his face. He went through girls like they were disposable objects and it was no surprise that the new girl had managed to catch his attention. She was going to be his new challenge—despite what Coach said.

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