Chapter 28

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I fall to the floor after Kevin punches me in the jaw. I land on my back and I groan rolling over to spit out blood.
I try to get up but someone puts their foot on my back and sends me back down to the floor.

"Adam, Adam, Adam. What you're doing right now is gonna get you killed." Jackson says as he puts his weight on his foot. "You see, my conversations with Riley are very productive." I clench my fist and try to get but that only makes him put more force of his weight on my back.

"You leave Riley out of this. I'll do whatever you want just leave her out." I say and try to focus my vision as it starts to turn blurry.

"I can't believe you never told her. She's your own mate and you never told her where she comes from." He says and scoffs as if it actually offends him.

"We don't know how she's got those abilities. But we may think she got them from her father or her mother or it could have skipped a generation and then it went back to her." Kevin says as he walks towards me and crouches down.

"What good was going to come out of it if I told her? People would have been chasing her, hunting her. She wouldn't have lived a normal life, she would've been living in fear. Terrified that if she made the slightest movement wolves could have tracked her down." I tell them. Jackson takes his foot off me and they both lift me up and put me back in the chair.

My whole body is weak and sore I can barely move a muscle. "Where's her father?" Kevin says in a deadly tone. "I don't know." I say weakly. Jackson punches me in the stomach and I lurch forward coughing up more blood.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and pushes me back to the chair. "Liar." He says through gritted teeth. I look at him straight in the eye and give him the deadliest stare I could muster. "I. Don't. Know." I say and breathe deeply through my nose to try to ease the pain.

Kevin was getting ready to punch me again but Jackson stopped him. "He's not lying. He doesn't know what we're doing to Riley so he wouldn't dare lie to us." Jackson says standing up.

At this point I had lost so much blood that everything was becoming dizzy. Jackson and Kevin leave and I try with all my might not to faint. Not here. Not now. Not when Riley is in danger.

As inevitable as it is, my eyes start to get heave and I faint.


I gasp when I feel cold water being splashed all over my body.

Well, that woke me up.

"Rise and shine, sunshine." Jackson says and I notice that Kevin isn't here but another person by Jackson's side looking at me with an emotion that I can't pin-point.

He has blond hair with ocean blue eyes. He has messy hair like Adam but there's something about him that doesn't feel right. Don't get me wrong, Kevin and Jackson are completely crazy but this kid has me believing that he's not like them. His eyes are soft and he gives me the tiniest smile that I could only notice.

I glare at Jackson as my body is covered in water. "Couldn't have woke me up like a normal person?" I ask through gritted teeth. "Now where's the fun in that?" Jackson asks, amusement in his voice. He's actually enjoying this.

"Psycho." I mutter under my breathe and Jackson's eyes turn black. He comes closer to me and crouched down so he's at my eye level. "What did you just call me?" His voice is deep and I inch closer to him.

I can't believe all this confidence that radiating off me but before I can think twice I talk back to him. "What you heard, psycho." A switch must have have gone off because the next thing I know is that he raises his hand and before I can react he slaps me. Hard.

I feel a sting of pain flaring across my cheek and I swear I can feel his handprint on my cheek. I'm positive that it's marked and honestly I'm proud of myself. I mean, yeah, it sucks getting slapped but I actually feel like I'm getting stronger and rising out of my shell.

"Don't ever call me that again." Jackson says with a sharpness in his voice that can cut air. "Or what?" I say. I'm putting myself on a risk acting like this. I don't know what it is but I'm on a roll.

Jackson grabs something from his back pocket and brings it into view. A knife. I look at the knife and I start breathing heavy. He gently glides the knife across my cheek and I close my eyes and try to relax.

"Not so confident now are we?" Jackson asks and when I open my eyes he's smiling at me. He's got me back in my shell and he knows it. He brings the knife back to my cheek and presses it into my cheek.

I start to whimper and hope to god that he doesn't cut me. He presses it harder until blood starts to pour and he glides the knife across my cheek, cutting me. I let out a scream as he does this slowly, torturing me. The pain that I feel is unbearable and it feels like ages before he retrieves his knife.

"That's what gonna happen if you start being a smart ass." He says and stands up. "Take her upstairs, Jason. The Alpha wants to see her." Jackson says going out the door and slamming it behind him.

I look at Jason and he's just staring at me, looking between my cut and my eyes. He steps closer to me and rips off a bit of his black shirt and puts it on my cheek. I hiss at the pain and he backs away.

"Sorry." He mutters and gives me a warm smile. I look at him and my eyes water when I realize what he just did. Not only is he helping me but he's doing the exact same thing I did when Ryan and Adam got into a fight.

"It's ok." I say my voice choking at the end. He puts the shirt back into my cheek and tries to stop the bleeding. The blood isn't pouring like a water fall but it's rolling down my cheek.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Jason says and at first I don't believe him but he explains to me how he was manipulated into going to those secret meetings because his mate was being held hostage by the Alpha. If he didn't do as he was said then his mate would be hurt or worse. I look into his eyes and I notice how sad they were when he was talking about his mate, he cleans my cut the best he can and he stopped the bleeding.

I'm at loss for words as I stare at him and take in what he just told me. "I'm going to get you out of here."

Eww I'm so sorry for a shitty chapter I've been thinking about a way to wrap this chapter up and I did at 2am. I'm sorry for my writers block I hate it as much as you guys. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get back on track, sorry for making you wait.

You guys are the best followers ever, let me know what you think in the comments. Hit follow so you know when I update. Something's wrong with my account because I've been trying to follow you guys back but it won't let me, like I hit the follow button but it doesn't say that I'm following you, if you know why this is happening please let me know.

Love you guys so much. See you on the next chapter!

The Bad Boy Is My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora