The Imaginary Friend

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The Centre

Someone knocked at the door of Fletcher mansion.

Kyle Fletcher was inside with a book on his lap and a half-empty glass of wine by his side. He looked at the antique grandfather clock in his room - it was showing 11 PM. Kyle frowned. Who could it be? Someone from a rival company? An assassin hired to kill him?

The knock sounded once again. Kyle listened closely. It was gentle, yet vehement. He suddenly knew who the sudden visitor was. His face curved into a sly smile.

His parents, awfully rich businessmen, were on a long-term business trip abroad, so Kyle had the whole house to himself and didn't have to justify taking guests. He opened the main door; something small ran in immediately and hugged him tight.

"Oh, darling. I'm so glad to see you again," Kyle whispered as he gently fondled Marlene's hair. Marlene Sanchez, his girlfriend, was released from the hospital just today after spending a few days in a comatose state caused by a cursed song Kyle has released. He noticed that she was wearing a dress he bought her - a dark red piece with a deep cleavage and a split revealing her legs.

Kyle smiled again. When he bought the dress, Marlene deemed it as too revealing and refused to wear it. Now she seems to have no problems with it. Good, he thought. She's finally shaping to my ideas.

He got to know her as a petite Latino-american nerd with braces and unkept hair dressed in oversized sweaters. Now, in the dress, she looked completely different. Her dark brown hair was now brushed into waves, eyes of the same color highlighted by make-up. The dress revealed that she has actually a very nice figure. Even her breasts weren't as small as Kyle supposed.

Now this looks like something I can show with in public.

"You look gorgeous, my love," he said out loud.

Marlene smiled. "Do you think so...? Oh, thank you."

"You've been crying," Kyle noted.

"Yes... yes, I was," Marlene admitted.


"Because I lost a friend."

Kyle seated her on a couch next to him and offered her a glass of wine. She drank it without hesitation. The room was dim lighted and magnificent like a palace chamber with a firepace and expensive drawings of the most famous impressionist painters. Marlene loved it here. It seemed so romantic.

"It's about Alexis Warren, right?" Kyle asked.

Marlene nodded, surprised. "Do you know her?"

"I guess we had a talk or two. Tell me, what did she tell you?"

"Horrible things about you!" the girl started to cry again. "She... she said that it was you who was responsible for the comatosing! That you created an energy-draining song and kept the stolen energy for yourself! Please... please tell me it's not true."

"Of course not, darling. That Warren girl has gone insane from all that ghost-hunting she's doing. I have to tell you that she wants me. She keeps telling me that I can do better than date a fake nerd. She was flirting with me in Alien Youth and in the end, she came right here and when I let her in, she started undressing. I kicked her out of my house. I remained faithful, Marlene, but it's for sure that she'll want us to break up."

"That will never happen!" Marlene cried and hugged the man. "You are my only true love, Kyle."

That girl falls for everything, Kyle thought. Good. It may come in handy later.

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