Chapter 1

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Hey guys!  Hopefully you're all reading this because you're stress free and have nothing else to do  = )  Then again, if you're anything like me and you're looking for something to release the overwhelming amount of stress for a few minutes... or hours... or days?  I hope this does the trick!


Shivers ran straight up my spine all the way to my brain and I stood alone.  Surrounded by people.  Paralyzed.

The wind was harsh as it whipped at my cheeks, scolding me.  It didn’t tell me that’s what it was doing or why, but it didn’t need to.  I already knew.  How could I not?  I’d been scolding myself for the same reason my whole life.

I bit into my lip until I could taste blood.  Then, I bit harder.

A boy’s laughter distracted me.  My eyes sometimes act without telling me what they’re doing, and it troubles me to no end.  Just then, for example, they decided to wander around until they found the laughing boy of their own accord.  And then they refused to leave him.

I think they thought they were in love.

The boy looked to be about the same age as me.  It shouldn’t have been a surprise, as most of the people who attend high school football games are actually high schoolers, believe it or not.  But his laugh was deceiving.  It made him sound like a child, despite his more mature looks.  And his smile, when I saw it, was equally deceptive.  So wide it made him look cartoonish and cute.  So genuine that it seemed unreal.  And it was far too innocent and carefree to belong to anyone over the age of eight.  I’ve never seen a high schooler wear such a smile in my life.

He caught me staring at him and I looked away, but not before I saw the sparkle in his eyes.  I swear they were actually sparkling.  Like glitter, only brighter and bluer.

I was in the middle of thanking my own eyes for their cooperation when something warm touched my chin.  I jumped backwards and nearly tripped, but managed to maintain my balance at the last second.

Standing in front of me was that boy.  His smile was gone, but the sparkle was not.  I couldn't determine if he looked sad or upset or concerned, but I've never been great at reading emotions.

As I glared at the boy in front of me, I realized I've never been great at expressing them either.

That's all for now, folks!  (I so wish I could write more but it would be complete crap  D= )

Thanks for reading!  I hope you'll comment but I won't beg!  Ah, wait that's a lie...  What can I say?  Comments are life savers!  =)

Haha alright I'll stop.  Have a nice weekend!

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