Chapter 2

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Hiya!  I'm that boy that girl wrote about earlier...  Remember?

I'm not a stalker, I promise.  We're best friends now, and she told me I could read it.  Isn't she an awesome writer?  She actually inspired me to write, and that's saying a lot.  Like, I didn't think it could be possible...

Anyways, she said it was a birthday present.  It's the best one I've ever received, actually, even though at the time she said she felt bad about it being so "pointless."  Maybe I'll be able to give her something so apparently pointless someday it will change her world.

Aya and I are best friends now.  Really.  Like she's actually the very very very best one I've got.  And, don't take this the wrong way, but I've got a LOT of best friends.  Probably too many for my own good.  Maybe that's why I need Aya though, to balance me out.

It makes sense.  I'm stupid, she's smart.  She thinks before she acts, I do the opposite.  I don't do my homework, so she does it for me...  Just kidding.  She refuses to "discourage my own personal genius," or something like that.  I think that means she thinks I'm smart.  Anyways, I've got too many friends, and she's got too few, even though she says she doesn’t even want any.

She says I’m annoying.

She’s probably right.  A lot of people say I’m annoying.  But I’d rather be annoying than mean.  Or cold.  Or scary.  My younger brother told me he wanted to be a ghost.  I told him that would be lonely.  He said he wished he was alone.

I’m a pretty clingy person.  That’s why I have so many friends.  That’s why Aya's awesome.  She doesn’t need people the way I do.  Although, she needs them more than she thinks.  At least, I hope so.  I think I need her to need me.  Otherwise I’ll end up alone again.

The thought makes me cringe.  Literally.  I’m cringing right now.  Well, not anymore, because by the time I wrote that sentence I was done cringing (because I’m a slow writer), but I promise I really was.

People think I’m a brave person.  I’m not scared of speaking in front of people, or talking to strangers, or trying new things.  I’m not scared of broken bones or cuts and bruises.  I’m never scared when I’m with other people, so they think I’m not scared of anything.  They don’t realize what happens when they leave me.

I’m scared of being alone.

My parent’s thought I was afraid of the dark when I was little, because I was afraid of sleeping by myself.  But back then the fear wasn’t so bad.  I got over it.  There came a point where sleeping with my parents was just as bad as sleeping alone, so I stopped.  But now the fear has grown.  I don’t sleep much at all anymore.

I wonder what Aya's afraid of.

Look!  A new point of view!  I hope it's not too confusing, but I think this is how most of the book is going to be written.  Let me know what you guys think!  =)

Have a great weekend!


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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