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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Throughout the rest of the day and evening, (f/n) had factored his answer into her various theories. Well, they were more like questions. Regardless, she wondered how a human could turn into Drem's present state by the hand of another human. Was Drem actually just lying to her despite him saying that he would answer truthfully? Some part argued yes and the other no. Did she trust him enough to tell the truth?

Then again, he was her only real source of truth until the scavenger hunt tomorrow. Hopefully, that would give her more insight into Drem's and Nathan's past together as well as Drem's trustworthiness. Until then, she supposed that his answer would have to do.

During this thought process of hers, she had finished the laundry, with no more interruptions from Drem, and had returned to the living room to watch some television. Drem had prepared her dinner for her, and she hadn't protest against it. Besides, it had been just a frozen pizza that he had heated in the oven for her. So unless he had called the company and somehow had bribed them to put poison into the food, she had doubted that anything would be wrong with.

Of course, he could have put some on after the cooking process, but, back in the laundry room, he had seemed quite excited about the prospect of building an animal house with her. With that in mind, she had figured that the likelihood of him killing her all of sudden was incredibly low.

Once she had finished eating her dinner, she had gone off to bed. She hadn't bothered to change clothes, since she hadn't done much during the day besides sitting on a couch and doing laundry. Besides, she hadn't wanted to wash off the cotton candy scent, and she wished to keep the plush robe on.

She had drifted off to sleep soon after covering herself with the red and grey bed sheets. As she slept, though, Drem was tempted to go off into Nathan's room and the garage to find and remove any evidence that would give away what had happened five years ago. He realized that this would be unfair to his little doe, but it's not like he was fair to her all of the time. Still, most of him told him to stay in her room and not think about it. If she found something, she found it. It was as plain and simple as that.

Granted, the main reason for him not desiring for her to discover anything wasn't because he wanted to be a jerk to her. No, he just didn't wish for her opinion of him to skyrocket downhill. He considered his action justified, but she probably wouldn't. That was an assumption, but her personality didn't reflect the most forgiving of individuals. There could be some hidden aspect of her personality, though, and he merely lacked knowledge of it.

Another possible outcome from her coming across something was a less negative one. She could refuse to side with him on the issue, but she could still accept him. His little doe could simply tell him that his actions were wrong, but that people makes mistakes when influenced by the heat of emotions. The doe might agree to be his second chance.

If that outcome did occur, he would probably go beyond cloud nine. Just the thought of it happening caused him to lose sense of his surroundings, as he imagined her voluntarily becoming his lover. His right plush thumb went up to his lips, while his mind went even deeper into the fantasy that could become a reality.

In his state of bliss, he fell onto his back and started to roll around on the grey carpet of the room out of happiness at the idea. He probably looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. His mind was off in his ideal world, and his little doe probably wouldn't be able to not grow embarrassed at some of his thoughts.

Enclosed Perimeters (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora