(Hamilton/Reader) - Cinderella

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Requested by @BRDSRCOOL
Sorry for the late update. Semestral break just started. Enjoy!


You sighed as you played with your dog, Christopher J. (sorry not sorry) Your father, George Washington, was at work, doing his job as president while your Mom was probably baking brownies downstairs.

A knock on your door was heard making your dog tense slightly, "I'll go get it," You patted his head and walked to the door, opening it. Arianne---one of your maids---was standing holding a slice of brownie on a plate.

"Mrs. Washinton told me to bring you this, ma'am." You sighed and shooked your head. "Ari, I told you to call me by my first name." You politely took the plate and thanked her.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," She apologized. You smiled and let her in your room. Your room was pretty big. Carpeted floor, Queen-sized bed, pillows stuffed with feathers making it oh so soft.

She smiled and crouched down to pet Chris who gladly wagged his tail. You laughed at the adorable sight and sat at the edge of your bed.

"Do you need anything?" She stood up and sat next to you, "No, just wanted someone to talk to." You said and happily munched on the chocolate chip brownie. It was you mother's favorite recipe.

Chris suddenly barked and got on your bed. You turned to him and chuckled, you stood up and grabbed his dog food, putting it on a plate. "Here you go ya lil' cinnamon." You gave him the food as he gladly ate it.

"Oh! There's a small letter for you by the way," Ari said. She gave you a small envelope with a small blue ribbon on the front of it. You furrowed your eyebrows and opened it, reading the letter.

My dearest, (Y/n)

I am inviting a few soldiers from work tonight. Your mother wanted you to meet someone that is right for you. She said that she needed you to get out of your little shell a bit and meet new people. She can't wait for her grand children! Please wear your finest dress tonight. My boys can't wait to meet you.

- Dad Washington :)

You groaned and buried your face in a pillow. Chris whined and nuzzled your leg. "Oh my god, Dad, Why..?"

You heard another knock on your door, You and Ari immediately shot up and looked at each other in confusion. She stood up and walked to the door. Ari gasped and immediately greeted your mom who was waiting from the door.

"Hello (Y/n)! Ari, do you mind..?" She asked politely. Ari nodded and exited your room, shutting the door, leaving you and your Mom alone a long with Chris.

You sighed and leaned on the headboard as you felt the bed slightly squeak once your Mom sat on the edge. "You finally read the letter?" She smiled. You nodded and played with Chris' fur.

Martha placed her hand on your cheek and caressed you with her thumb. "(Y/n), I know you don't want this but, it's time that you get out of your cage and be free like a bird!"

"I don't know, Mom. I'm just...scared, that's all," You said nervously and rubbed your arm. She laugh and stood up, walking to your closet. "Dont worry! I was just like you when I was your age," she opened the closet and scanned your dresses.

"I was rebellious and sassy but when I met your father, it's like my whole world lit up with joy and love!" She swooned and took out a blue colored gown. You giggled and hugged Chris who was already on your lap.

"Wow, I haven't worn that in years." You said. The last time you wore that dress was during your college days. You must have grown up so fast. She placed the dress on your bed and walked to your desk. It had a box of jewlries and other girly stuff.

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