The Team

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'Robin B01' The zeta beam called out as Robin entered Mount Justice. Be looked around and saw that all of his teammates were in the mountains watching Television. They all looked calm, and Robin and the other hand was still freaked out over the recent events. His team didn't even know what was going on in his life at the moment. They were totally clueless.

"Hey, what's up Rob!" Kid Flash yelled racing towards Robin. The Boy Wonder had come earlier than expected.

"Hey!" Robin said trying to be as enthusiastic as possible. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. He didn't want to show any signs of what had just happened. Even thought Bruce was in jail, he still didn't feel it was right to reveal his identity.

"Are you okay?" Kid Flash asked. Robin wasn't sure whether he was questions his joy our sorrow. Either way, it was sorrow, because Robins "joy" was just being used as a cover up.

"What? Oh... Yeah, I'm fine." Robin told Kid Flash as he headed towards the couch where Artemis was flipping through the channels.

'Today we will be learning how to cook fe-'

'But I love you! Please don't le-"

'Bruce Wayne billionaire has been arrested for a-'

'Who lives in a pineapple under the s-'

"Wait, go back!" Kid Flash yelled at Artemis. She switched back the channel and a news report showed on the large T.V. Screen.
"You heard it here! Bruce Wayne has been arrested for the abuse of Richard John Grayson, and is now awaiting trial. Recent news show that Richard Grayson has ran away and is now missing. Police are on high alert to find the young boy. Wherever you are Richard, the police only want to help. Please turn yourself into the police." A brunette who had her hair tied up and wore way too much make-up said. Robin looked at her with annoyance. What did she know about any of this?

"I know him. He's goes to my school." Artemis sprang up as she recognized the picture they showed or Dick on the screen. Robin attempted to cover himself in hopes that none of his team members noticed a resemblance of Dick and Robin.

"Why would he run away?" Kaldur asked. Fortunately, none of his team members noticed the resemblance and the photo was taken away and a new report began.

"Maybe he was scared by that man." Connor replied. Robin knew he could only fight the urge to not say anything for only so long.

"I feel so bad for him. He was abused by someone who adopted him." M'gann said sadly," That's so sad. Why is Bruce Wayne such an evil person? Dick doesn't deserve to go through that."

Then that's when Dick had to say something. What M'gann said had set him off," Maybe he's not even being abused! Maybe the police are making false accusations because they don't really know what's going on in his life! We don't know anything about them, so why even bother believing what the police in Gotham have to say?!"

"Woah! Calm down, Rob!" Kid Flash said chuckling. Robin glared at him, and stormed off. Everyone was believing this crap, and no one actually knew the truth. Those stupid cops were telling lies about an innocent man! Only every few people knew the truth, but they couldn't tell. If they did they would be revealing who Bruce and I really are. Who was the mysterious source that put Bruce in jail anyways?! What false proof did they provide?! And why were the cops stupid enough to believe them?

"Hey, Robin are you okay?" Kid Flash asked as he appeared next to Robin after begging his search for his friend.

"Yeah, I'm just stressed over something that happened with me and Batman."Robin said, but had to choke out the name Batman.

"What happened? Another argument?"

"Yeah, you know. Don't worry. I'm sure I'll feel whelmed in a little bit." Robin told him feeling even worse for lying to Wally. If he couldn't even tell him his identity what type of friend was he really?
"Good! Do you think Batman is going to give us a mission today?" Kid Flash asked curious.

"I don't think so," The Boy Wonder replied," We might not get a mission for a while."

"Oh, well, it doesn't matter. I just hope you're fine. Let's just go watch some T.V., and this time a different channel."
Robin smiled and walked with Wally back towards the main room.
(With the Justice League)

"Has anyone seen Batman?" Martian Manhunter asked. He had to report some info about a previous mission they had, but he couldn't find The Dark Knight anywhere.

"I haven't seen him all day." Green Arrow responded.

"Um... I think you guys should see this!" Flash said running in and turning on the computer to project Gotham news.

"You heard it here! Bruce Wayne has been arrested for the abuse of Richard John Grayson, and is now awaiting trial. Recent news show that Richard Grayson has ran away and is now missing. Police are on high alert to find the young boy. Wherever you are Richard, the police only want to help. Please turn yourself into the police."

"Oh my god..." Wonder Woman said in barley a whisper. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Bruce wouldn't do that." Superman commented. He knew the Dark Knight too well, and he would never hurt Dick in any way. He cared so much for Dick and hated to see him get hurt, so why would someone accuse Bruce for abusing Dick?

"Well, someone thinks he is." Flash responded.

"Where is Robin then?" Martian Manhunter asked speaking up. They all stopped as they asked theirselves the same question. Where was the Boy Wonder now?

"Should we go check with The team?" Green Arrow asked," Maybe they know where he is."

"What will we do if Robin is there? Turn him in?" Wonder Woman asked. She definitely did not want to do that, but she didn't want him to stay on the run either.
"We can find out if Bruce really was abusing him- which he wasn't, and Dick can tell us how that rumor even started in the first place." Superman said walking towards the zeta tube,"Take me to Mount Justice."

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