Chapter 6 - Xavier

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I was beyond pissed off. Embarrassed as hell, but pissed off none the less. Embarrassed at being told off by some little school girl and pissed off at Harper for making me look like a fool in front of all of those people. However, I couldn't really turn down her company because we were a few weeks out from the company ball and I can't deny that their food is to die for. I'm a sucker for functions with good food and I know hiring Harper's 'company' won't let me down. As much as I hate the girl, she's a bloody amazing cook.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Macy's number and put it on loud speaker as I started my car and headed back to work. She picked up after the fourth ring.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Macy answered cheerily, giggling at someone in the background.

"How the fuck did I not know that your so called best friend is the owner of the company organising our ball?" I said angrily into the speaker as I sped through the city limits switching lanes every ten seconds or so.

"Woah, calm down. I thought you knew that it was Harper's company, how can you not, you two live together," she rasped.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and processed what she just said. Most people who lived together would know these things but Harper and I had a different dynamic.

"I honestly didn't know, so imagine my shock when I walked in for the food tasting and she was the one conducting the whole thing. I kind of over reacted," I said ashamed of myself.

"What do you mean you overreacted?" Macy said in a calculating tone.

"I joined if yelled at her and said some pretty nasty things," I replied.

"What the hell is wrong with you Xav! Please tell me there was no one else around," she pleaded.

"Umm there were like 5 or 6 people there," I said cringing when she didn't let me finish.

"For heavens sake Xav! I don't know what the hell you think you know about Harper but you need to get over it. She isn't the bad guy here, you are. Did you at least apologise for your outburst," she asked.

"There was so much going on and some little high schooler got all high and mighty and gave me a scolding for speaking to her boss the way I did so I think we're even. I don't even know what I did wrong really. I just asked a question, my tone may have been a few decibels higher but nothing too serious."

"Oh no you don't Xavier! Don't you dare try to get yourself out of this one. You make sure you apologise to Harper tonight and make things right. I'm so glad Kelly scolded you, and she's 19 not a high schooler," Macy rebuked.

"Fine. I'll apologise but it doesn't mean I have to like her," I conceded. "So how's the wedding planning going?" I asked just to be polite.

"Well, everything's going as planned which is odd, and that only means that somethings going to go wrong. So I'm just waiting for the ball to drop you know what I mean."

Macy talked my ear off about save the date cards, invitations, dress fittings, centre pieces and who the hell knows what else. I'd made it back to the office and sat at my desk as she rambled on for what felt like forever. I nodded and mumbled yeses and no's, I mean I loved my sister so I'd let her talk my ear off, and it got my mind off of work for a bit. Thirty minutes later I hung up and sighed in relief.

"I'm so glad I'm never getting married," I mumbled to myself. It seemed like too much work.

I looked at my schedule my personal assistant left on my desk and got to it. Man I couldn't wait for this day to be over.

I walked through the door and listened out to hear if there was any sign that Harper was home. I was greeted by silence. For Macy, I'd apologise even though I know I didn't do anything wrong.

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