Chapter 46 Butterfly Effect

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Xiao Yan's eyes are fixed on Sharon's body from across Jane's shoulder.

Jane closes his eyes and exhales. His face betrays no grief, he didn't even look over at Sharon.

"How did she die?" there was no fluctuation in Jane's voice.

"Because the X virus accelerator ... the virus copied too quickly, it consumed her life." Liv answered.

"Oh." Jane whispered, he lowered his eyes and fiddled with a silver wing in his hand. "Well, That is the fate of all the special forces. She just met hers a little faster. Did she suffer?"

"It happened very quickly." Liv answered this question. As for whether she was in pain, only Sharon knew that.

Mark rushed into the lab with the remnants of the team. He spotted Sharon's body and Xiao Yan's blank grief stricken expression. Pity and calm rested just a hairs breath beneath the stern mask on his face.
This mission has claimed a third of the combined teams.

"Let's get ready to evacuate." Heine ordered.

Xiao stood up stiffly, still not speaking. He connected to the man control and investigated all dangers that may impede their evacuation route. From beginning to end he did not look over at Heine.
Even if Sharon is not a member of Heine's team, she still died because of his incompetence. Perhaps if he was better able to fight, or simply defend himself, Sharon wouldn't have had to stand in front of him. Then she would not have fallen to the accelerator. He wanted to disguise his shame at his failure, he could feel Heine's gaze heavy upon him but he dare not connect his own. He knew that his shame would weigh him down to the point he would be unable to lift his head.

Jane's subordinates picked up Sharon's body and the group successfully left the Surge base.

As they exited the channel, Jane secured his rope and looked back at Xiao. He smiled fondly and said, "I'll take you up."

Suddenly an arm wrapped around Xiao and he was abruptly slammed into the darkness, he briefly stumbled back before the line rapidly lifted.

He recognized the strength in the hold on him. He looked up to see Heine face lowered towards his. No emotion rippled his expression, but Xiao felt wrapped in that steady gaze and his inner panic dissipated. Xiao Yan suddenly felt that, in this moment, he would never be afraid again.

Looking up at Heine, he thought of Sharon. Perhaps she was walking toward the light to join her comrades. Her hair wild and free billowing behind her. Beams of brilliance spreading across the hair, the light catching and diffusing until a soft hue encompassed her whole body.

The air craft took flight and Xiao Yan looked down at the bottomless cavern. It was like a deep abyss gathering endless fear.

However it may prove to be the hope of all humanity, guiding them in an unprecedented direction.

They landed at the closest base. Even the special forces required medical assistance. Xiao Yan was assigned a temporary apartment.

When the quartermaster left, the entire space was left to the quiet.

Xiao Yan felt very tired, but he did not want to sleep, did not want to shower, did not want to eat...did not want to even breathe.

His wrist com was flashing continuously. Xiao knew there was no one but Casey that would be concerned for him, but he didn't have the strength to acknowledge it.

Xiao Yan just wants everything to stop.

He sat numbly, his mind was a dark star of tangled guilt and spinning thoughts; soon it was midnight.

He sat deathly still even as the sliding door opened. He had not the energy or the drive to look up to see who it is.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt