Chapter Six

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Lily couldn't wait until the end of the day - the weekend would begin, and she wouldn't be at school for two whole days. It was a beautiful time in her week because she could finally breathe and relax, not worry about Isaac and his friends, and the others who looked at her like she, ironically, wasn't normal. 

Friday's were her favourite day of the week but they always started horribly. Today was no exception. 

As Lily shifted her bag on her shoulder, low music in one ear as she held the other ear bud, she kept her head down. Maybe today would be the day that Isaac left her alone?

"Hey Morgan!" 

Maybe not.

Lily kept walking, pushing through the main doors of the school leading to the central corridor as she heard a lot of footsteps approaching behind her. She couldn't go any further when two vampires stepped into her path, smirking.

So she stopped, gripping her bag tightly, and turned to face Isaac behind her with a smile.

"Hey freak, you ignoring me?" He spat, looking down at her with dark, soulless eyes.

Lily looked around her, seeing the vampires almost circle her and the other students just pay no attention, either walking by or staring at their phones.

"Sorry, thought you were talking to one of your friends," Lily shrugged, wishing she was better at washing back her anger. "What'd you want?"

Isaac scowled. "You're the only freak here."

Lily had heard the term before, it didn't hurt as much as it did the first time, but she sighed either way. "Are you going to insult me Isaac? Push me around? What's it gonna be today?" 

Isaac grinned, his fangs gleaming. "How about we take turns biting you?" His friends smiled behind him, baring their wicked canines too. Lily's blood ran cold, though it had to be a bluff - would they actually harm her on school grounds? This threat was new. 

"How about you pick on someone who can actually bite back?" Someone shouted from behind her. The vampires all shifted their ground as Lily slowly turned her head to see three werewolves step into the ring. Laura, the blonde wolf from the locker yesterday, and Tricia, with another werewolf girl. Laura stood next to Lily, the other two on either side of her. 

"You got bodyguards now freak?" Isaac laughed, clapping his hands together, rubbing them with glee. Lily spotted the wary gleam in his eyes; this wasn't part of his plan. Had it actually been to bite me? 

Laura's eyes flashed feral gold. "Her name is Lily and you can back off. She's not a freak."

His eyes burned red, his fury curling his face into a snarl. Lily slowly stepped behind Laura while Isaac was focused on the werewolf. She'd been proven wrong - today was the day he would leave her alone.

Laura motioned with her hand to Lily as she stepped back, staring the vampire down. "Alpha's orders, you leave her alone."

Isaac laughed as his eyes morphed back into their normal brown. "He can't order me, he's not my alpha." 

The vampire stepped forward, eyeing Laura's glare first, and then looking over her shoulder at Lily. "I'll be back soon freak." He hissed, before slamming Laura's shoulder and walking around them all.

Lily was frowning at the vampires as they left, the crowd dispersing now the promise of a fight was over. She glanced back at Laura, who was watching Isaac with her still-glowing eyes, and quickly walked towards the bathrooms down the corridor on the right.

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