Return To Evil

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Ally wriggled back so she could undo his belt buckle and he slid them off, the rest of his clothes following until it was just his skin against hers. She was like ice and he was fire, their game would be a careful dance to avoid melting and burning out. Daryl's hands slid lazily up her arms to tangle in her hair, pulling her close so that his hot mouth closed on hers and she felt like she could slip away into this little fantasy, “bite me” she whispered and Daryl did just that, biting into the tender flesh of her neck and shoulder until she moaned sensually with her face buried into him so that the noise vibrated into his chest. It was going so well until Rick burst in on them, this was becoming a regular bloody habit. “Negan is here and he has Carl, he's demanding to speak to you. He won't talk to me” Rick said breathlessly and Ally jumped from the bed to get dressed in a hurry, Daryl followed her lead and helped her clip on the brace as they ran down the stairs and out to the gate where her father stood with a mocking look on his face and one arm clamped tightly on Carl's upper arm while the other held that blasted baseball bat. “Well if it isn't the Prodigal Daughter come to see her old man!” Negan mocked as he clenched Carl tighter making the boy squirm uncomfortably to get away from him. “Let Carl go right now” Ally snarled taking the gun that Rick handed her and aiming it right at her father. “No I'm rather fond of him now, I think I might just keep him unless I get something I want” Negan said swinging the bat around as if he were having a stroll in the ball park. This was going to go bad, she could tell. “What do you want?” Rick called out and Negan grinned, “Either you choose three people for Lucille or you give up Allison, now” Negan said and his request hung in the air with the weight of fifty elephants. “You let him go and you don't come back here, you don't hurt these people or try to make any more deals. All that if I come with you now?” Ally asked feeling her stomach twist in knots until she felt physically sick. “Ally no you can't agree to this” Daryl tried to protest but she shook her head which made Abraham, Rosita, Glenn and Carol step in front of him like a blockade keeping him from lashing out. “Deal” Negan called, Ally turned to Rick to hand back the gun and in doing so whispered her last message for them. “Get to one of the relocation sites, take everything and go as soon as we leave, do not come back. He says he'll stay away but he lies and he will come to kill you all. Keep Daryl safe and tell him that I love him” she whispered as she turned and marched out the gate with the face of someone walking death row on their way to the execution rooms. “Welcome back sweetheart” Negan called as she paused halfway to make sure he would actually give up Carl, Negan shoved the young boy over to her and she patted his shoulder as she passed back into the grip of her maniac father. “You took out two outposts and you killed Arat, that wasn't very nice Allison. Perhaps I should let the others show you how they feel? Perhaps I'll do it right now and show these punks who they're messing with” Negan said thoughtfully moments before he shoved her into the clutches of his men who began to beat her until she lie on the ground in a ball. Rick had to back up to help hold Daryl who shouted for Negan to stop until Carol clamped her hand over his mouth, no need to add fuel to the flames and give Negan something to torture Ally with. When Negan was satisfied they'd got his message, he snapped his fingers and the other stopped beating Ally and instead threw her floppy, unconscious body into the back of the van. “You've been a wonderful audience” Negan called as he climbed into the front of a truck and slapped his hand against the door to signal they were on the move and that was the last time that Daryl saw Ally for a long time.

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