Happy Ending

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I walked down the aisle in a gold dress. It was long and trailed behind me. Sun made it.

I carried a bouquet of gold roses. Flora used her magic to turn them that color.

Dad walked with me. He wore a blue tux.

Aspen stood at the altar wearing a white tux. He was beaming with the biggest smile on his face.

A while later I got to change into a shorter dress. It was gold but it also had white glitter everywhere.

Sun had caught the bouquet after tripping Red so that she couldn't get it.

Magik weddings are fun! It isn't weird when people get into a fight for no reason. Everyone just laughs.

Aspen and I did the final dance without anybody else dancing at the same time.

I took that opportunity to tell Aspen something important.

"Aspen I have to tell you something," I whispered.

"What?" He looked into my eyes with concern.

I leaned closer and whispered, "I'm pregnant."

Aspen smiled. This was a start of a new beginning.



AN: Did you guys like my story? If you did then I should tell you this. I'm writing a sequel!!!! It's called Rescue! Hope you guys will read it!!


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