t h i r t y - s e v e n

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// i'm not used to writing Eliza so it's a bit of a weird time for me folks hang in there

elizabeth schuyler

She slipped out of the door. As she shut it gently behind her, Eliza could head the four absolute idiots' voices rising as they discussed what she had discovered.

"...and he stole my journal!" That was John.

"...pretended to be me!" Hercules.

"Guys, Eliza went through our trash for this." Alexander. Elizabeth giggled lightly at that and stepped away from the door.

"Things got bad, mes amis," was the last thing she heard Lafayette say as she slipped away.

She walked lightly down the hall, satisfied with herself. The four boys would sort it out. Blooming with soft confidence, she didn't even notice the guy in the hall until it was too late.

"Schuyler," he muttered. "Elizabeth." Eliza blinked, stepping back. The guy lifted his chin so the light hit his face.


"Shh, shh. A little birdie told me you told them everything I did." Eliza took a cautious step back. "Y-yeah? So?"

He clicked his tongue dismissively. "Tch. Eliza, you should know better."

What was she supposed to say to that? "I suppose," she murmured, moving away, one foot at a time.

The man laughed. "You don't need to be scared, Elizabeth. I'm not going to hurt you. At least not right now."

Well. That wasn't promising. "Then why are you here?"

"Making sure you know who's still in control."

Eliza tensed but didn't respond this time. At least she had sorted out the previous mishap. Now that the four of the boys knew what he was capable of, she was certain that whatever this asshole threw at them would be child's play.

She opened her mouth, exhaling. "Yes, I do," she replied coolly. And it's not you.

"Good. Have a nice day, Eliza." Power-hungry James Reynolds turned and disappeared back into the hall, but Eliza was not scared.

He had a false sense of power, and that was the easiest way to win for her. A smile guided its way across her lips once he was gone. They were happy now. All of them.

// book is almost over, folks <3 just a few chapters left. i'm gonna miss this book, i love it a lot (even though i hate the earlier writing lmao i grew a lot during this book)!!

i have three other fics still in the works, what'd i miss, kingbury drabbles & one-shots, and my favorite and newest book ex-strangers. i'm also writing a new warriors fic entitled broken ties; go read that one!! chap. 1 is up!

if you have any ideas for fics or if you have a specific ship you want me to write about, i'm all for writing a new fic! comment & let me know <3

see you next chapter kids
— cranberry

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