Chapter Eight

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Jim sat alone on the roof of his house, or should he say his fathers house as the man in question so often liked to remind him. As he bought the cigarette he was holding up to his lips he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. he checked who it was from, with no real intention of responding or even reading the message. however after seeing sherlock's name flash across the screen, he couldn't help it.
'hey jim, are you going to Johns party tonight? -SH' Jim chuckled at the 'SH'. he sat for a second, pondering his answer (and also why these people seem to have so many parties??) he decided on his answer.
'i'll meet you outside yours in ten minutes' he made his way back to his bedroom window (he has a loft room so his window leads out onto the roof) and pulled out his favourite aerosmith tv shirt. now for the difficult part.

he tiptoed down the stairs. just as he reached his arm out for the handle, a hand slammed over it.
'where the fuck do you think you're going, lad' jim looked up, meeting his dads eyes, 'out'. mr moriarty opened his mouth to say something but jim took the opportunity to grab his jacket, push past his dad and leg it out the house. he'd regret that.

ten minutes later sherlock opened his door to see jim stood on his doorstep looking, although sherlock would never admit it, perfect. he was wearing black jeans, like always, and a aerosmith tshirt, under a black blazer. his hair was messy but somehow that just made him hotter. sherlock shook his head slightly, what was he thinking? 'you're a bit dressed up jim?' 'yeah i was in a rush and grabbed the wrong jacket' sherlock chuckled. 'i like it. it's a good look on you' he said, blushing as jim grinned.

they arrived at johns at around 10. john answered the door, clearly already tipsy. 'jim, sherlock. guys! come in' he shouted dragging jim in for a hug. sherlock and jim laughed as they managed to escape john and actually get into the house. they found the rest of the gang and ended up having a pretty good night.

sherlock was sat with molly, they were both a little tipsy and were giggling together over something stupid someone had said. suddenly jim approached, pretty drunk himself  'sherlock' he drawled grabbing sherlock's arm 'can i have a word?' he dragged sherlock off before he could answer. he eventually stopped dragging sherlock by his arm when they were in the upstairs bathroom. 'jim what is it?' sherlock asked, rightfully confused.

jim pushed sherlock against the bathroom door, pressing his body against sherlock's. sherlock opened his mouth to speak but jim shhhed him as he began to kiss his neck. sherlock leant his head back against the door, he didn't have much choice with jim's lips pressed against his neck. after a few seconds of this sherlock gently pushed jim back. 'what? i thought you were into me?' jim slurred moving back towards sherlock. sherlock pushed him back again. 'jim you're drunk' 'i don't care. trust me i know what i'm doing, you'll like this..' 'jim no you're drunk'

jim leant his forehead against sherlock's and whispered 'jesus sherlock, why are you such a good guy. i just wanted a cheap fuck' 'jim..' but he was cut off by jim beginning to sob. sherlock stepped forward, helping sit jim down on the floor. he sat next to him and held his head against his shoulder as he cried. they stayed like this for roughly an hour, jim with his head in the crook of sherlock's neck, tears silently rolling down his cheeks and sherlock gently rubbing the back of his neck and hair. somehow, jim felt safe.

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