2.31 Trepidation

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When YuLan joined her martial siblings, darkness had already settled in; however, the vicinity was still bustling with people. The peak where they would be staying the night was a designated place for Hui Lin sect's outer disciples – those who were tasked for general maintenance of the other peaks as well as various administrative matters. Similar to Chun Ping Gu sect's outer disciples, the cultivators living here were mostly Martial Artists who could no longer breakthrough to the next realm.

Hence, compared to other peaks where the lesser amount of inner disciples resided, this outer peak was not exactly a quiet place, filled with various structures and houses for the disciples to use and live in.

As soon as Xiao Zi saw her walking into their room, she kept pestering her about her little meeting with the young Prince. Zhen Zhu did not help either; she kept pointing out that YuLan's face was a few shades redder than usual. The Martial Artist was genuinely worried that YuLan had caught a bug.

"I definitely caught something, though it's not what you're thinking." YuLan just wanted to find a place to hide. Xiao Zi, in all her wisdom, knew that it had something to do with Zuo ZhouLei. She teased YuLan unceasingly, causing Cao Lu to frown with displeasure.

Finally, YuLan had enough when Cao Lu brazenly pulled her arm and rolled her sleeve up, to check on her cinnabar mark. YuLan dismissed all propriety as she glared at her senior, flung her sleeves off CaoLu's hold, before bolting out of their appointed room.

Obviously, the red dot was still there. YuLan was vexed and amused at the same time. No matter how YuLan was attracted to Zuo ZhouLei, no matter what had happened in their past lifetime, she would not lay her hands on a teenager.

She walked through a cobblestoned pathway, passing a few housing structures and a few Hui Lin disciples who greeted her in passing. Although her face was now once more hidden behind a veiled hat, anyone would be able to tell that she was a Ping sect's disciple from her pure white robe.

Once she found an empty alcove, she leaned against one of the pillars, suddenly feeling tired.

"I would not lay my hands on a teenager."

That was a lie. She actually almost damn did exactly just that.

YuLan closed her eyes and sighed, feeling the heat creeping up her face once more.


As soon as Zuo ZhouLei said, ["I will accompany you forever."], his visage and Ji SongLi's visage melded into one. It was as if she was in Da Lang, in that different lifetime ago.

At that time, he was the one strumming a guqin. At that time, he was the one singing to her.

At that time, her heart had rippled as well. The promise was ingrained inside his heart after all, being carried from the past lifetime to this current one. Despite the uncertainty she saw in his eyes, telling her that despite not remembering their past bond, she knew he was still hers.

["You... remember,"] she whispered, feeling a throbbing elation, mixed with a squeezing aching pain inside her heart.

"You remember. Remembering that promise, which is more precious than all the riches in the world, should give me solace. But now that you remember that much, only that much, this selfish self wants more."

Then she lifted her head to look into the pair of eyes. The brows were slightly knitted as if he was thinking hard about something, and the face that framed those beautiful orbs was much younger than in the memory that she cherished. Nevertheless, she lifted her head, feeling courage and eagerness to claim that pair of lips.

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