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I screamed in horror as I watched Aiden dropped to the floor, clutching his side. In the corner of my eye, I saw Claire getting up from her fall and reaching for her gun that had skidded away. There was no way Aiden could defend himself if Claire got a hold of the weapon. I lunged from the ground and got her legs, tripping her. She struggled to get out of my grip while I tried to keep her staying on the floor. She raised her leg and forcefully brought it down. Missing my head, her five-inch heel dug into my left shoulder.

I screamed in pain and my muscles instinctively let go of her. She slipped away from me and quickly grabbed her gun. Claire aimed at Aiden who was attempting to stand up.

"No!" I screamed, begging with tears running down. Even with my blurry wet vision, I could see the red blood stain at Aiden side.

Contrary to my plead, she pulled the trigger and I saw Aiden get shot for the second time. He collapsed onto the floor, falling backward from the force of the bullet that hit him.

"Aiden!" I yelled as I jolted up. My intentions were to run to him and see if he was okay but Claire was between us. She began to turn around, possibly aiming for me next. For the second time, I threw myself on her.

I landed on top of her as we finished our fall face forward. I watch the gun fall and slipped under a nearby car, making me more courageous. Claire tried squirming her body to either get me off or position herself on her back but I shoved her head to the cement. She went limp after a groan and I scrambled off of her to go to Aiden.

"Aiden! Are you okay?" I asked, crouching over. He had curled into a ball, shielding and clutching his wounds. "Where did she shoot you?"

"I can't feel anything," Aiden said, even though his face told me different. He somewhat straightened out, revealing his had one bullet right above his left hip. He had another one lodged lower in his thigh.

"You must be going through shock," I said.

"No, I'm not shocked," he wheezed. "This isn't the first time I've been shot. I saw her shooting me too."

"That's not what I meant, Aiden." He clenched his eyes shut as he tried regulating his breathing. "Keep your eyes open, I don't want you passing out."

He opened his eyes, a bit wider than usual.

"You don't have to open them that wi-"

"Watch out," Aiden said, warning me.


The next thing I knew, I was kicked away from him by the stomach. I landed on the ground a few feet away from Aiden. Looking up was Claire towering over me.

"You bitch," she said as she wiped the blood dripping down her forehead. I tried to get up but she kicked me down at my injured shoulder, sending me back to the ground. She kicked me once more, this time in my stomach, letting me have it before stalking towards Aiden.

I tried to reach for her legs to stop her but failed. The pain in my shoulder little by little was getting unbearable. Aiden reached for the gun, which he had set aside of him prior. Right as it got in his grasp, Claire stepped on it.

"I don't need a gun to kill you," She said, kicking it away.

I closed my eyes and thought to myself that this was going to be the end of it. I could hear Aiden getting punched and kicked at by Claire. I unclenched my eyes, opening them. Glistening, from how the light was hitting it, was Claire's gun. Under the car was my last hope.

Strands of hair clung to my face from the sweat I accumulated from dragging myself across the floor. My left arm was useless at this point. Even though I tried my best not to move it, it still hurt badly. Giving myself a reason to stop, I turned around to see if Claire noticed me. Her back was turned to me as she tortured Aiden with his fists and feet.

Aiden was coughing up blood. He could barely open his eyes. Wanting to put an end to this, I hurridly forgot my harsh discomfort and continued. I was gasping for air by the time my fingertips touched the gun. I quickly sat up, propping myself against the car I had received the gun from. I held the gun up with my right hand. Unlike how it was in the movies, I didn't have my left hand to stabilize.

The gun began to get heavy within my hold. I began to doubt myself as I stared at the back of the person I was planning to end. Below her was Aiden who was at the brink of death. Cruel humans deserves cruel ends. Marella was right, it was either me or them. After pointing in the direction of Claire, I closed my eyes and forced myself to pull the trigger multiple times.

I stopped shooting when I realized there was no longer the sound of gunshots as I pulled the trigger. I didn't know when I started crying but I blinked away the tears as I tried to look at the final result. As soon as I saw it, I couldn't look away. I saw Claire's body on the ground, bullet holes in almost every part of her body.

I lowered my hand and tossed the gun aside. My eyes left Claire's lifeless body, moving to see Aiden. His body was also limp.

As quickly as I could, I semi-crawled semi-dragged myself to him. He was still breathing. I stuck my fingers on his neck, trying to count his pulse. However, my exhaustion and hysteria were clouding my judgment of time. The counts of his pulse were making me confuse and the world around me was spinning.


I looked up to see Matteo running towards me. His footsteps lightened as they came closer to me as sound began to fade. Behind him was Lorenzo who went to Aiden's aid. Matteo knelt down next to me as he wrapped his arm to comfort me.

He pulled away to talk to me. I saw Matteo speaking, but I couldn't hear anything. My blurry gaze shifted back to Claire's body.

It sank in. I killed her. I shot Claire. I murdered someone. Matteo started to shake me as I began to hyperventilate. My vision only went blurrier and darker.

I could feel my consciousness slipping away. My exhaustion took over, and I was once again embraced by darkness.

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