Chapter 3

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Third POV

If Kenma were to cheat... it would be subtle, but different simultaneously. Knowing how intelligent Kenma was, he would hide his secret relationship, and slowly drift away from you until you were the one break off the relationship.

Lastly it was the accidental text.

Kenma texted you, but never replied. Wonder why...

Your POV

You awoke on Saturday morning with a woozy awakening. You automatically turned to your side, and reached for your phone.

Your eyes began to blink out tiredly, blinking multiple times to read clearly at your notifications, you saw one that caught your eye.... from Kenma.

Bounding up excitedly, out of the exhaustion, you began to text back.

[Kenma's Text]
10:11 PM
Hey Babe

[Your Text]
Sorry for late reply. Hi!

You satisfactorily put your phone down with a bright smile. You had doubts, but pushed past them to believe that Kenma had genuinely sent that.


After getting dressed, and preparing to cook breakfast, Kenma still hadn't texted back.

Then you decided. You'd go over to his home as a surprise, and maybe go out to eat.

Settling with that plan, you left out the door with a slight excited spring in your smile.


Making your way to his door, you made sure to peek in the window to check for anyone. But unfortunately, you found Kenma (in all his glory) and another girl... sitting besides him.

Maybe they were just friends? No friends didn't hold each other that close. Friends didn't kiss each other on the cheek. Friends didn't look at each other so lovingly.

They both were watching a movie. Surprisingly, Kenma had his left arm around her shoulders, and had not even once fiddled on his game, which was right in front of him on the coffee table.

Taken aback, you hid out of sight, kneeling under the window, against the wall.

You couldn't grip it fully. You somehow knew this. You somehow known that he was cheating, and yet never confront him because of it.

It was because you trusted him.

You trusted him to always be faithful. He wasn't the type to cheat. He didn't seem it. But seeming, and not being a type didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to do that.

Damn. You played yourself.

Pressing the palm of your hand against your nose, trying to muffle the sounds of agony.

Tears undoubtedly fell from your eyes, drifting down from your cheekbones, and crevice of your eyes.

Getting up quickly, trying to stay out of sight, you sprinted away from Kenma's home, tears and sniffles in hand.


You stayed on the couch that day. How should you break up with him? Obviously he wasn't man enough to break up with you—no, you shouldn't think that. He was just trying not to hurt your feeli—and how did that end? You still were hurt. In the end, nothing would've worked out.

"Shit..." you mumbled sorrowfully, staring down into your lap, placing your lower palm over your tearing left eye.

You decided that you'd just text him. Talk everything over a text. Yeah... that'd work... but would it? Were you really okay with talking over text? No. You had to tell him to meet up somewhere.

Taking your phone from the arm rest of the couch, you texted Kenma.

[Your Text]
7:12 PM
Meet me at the park tomorrow at 1. I want to talk. I'm not taking no for an answer.

Telling that he was with his new lover, he wouldn't be able to pick up until she left... that'd probably be later on... hopefully he'd get your text soon.

[Kenma's Text]
7:15 PM

A notification came in all not too soon. So now he decided he wanted to text back.

With a slight frown, you dispersed bitterly from your messages, and began to listen to music. Laying down onto the couch, too lazy to get up to the comfort of your bed, you settled to sleep.


You awoke a hour, and a half earlier from 1.
You dreaded getting up, but you had to get ready to talk with Kenma. Do solemnly, you dressed, and trudged back downstairs to eat a short fruit snack, before heading out.


"Hey Y/n..." You just had arrived at the park, greeted by a (shameful looking) Kenma.

"I know you're cheating on me." You stated bluntly. You were done walking around on egg shells.

Kenma looked down shamefully, before nodding. "I know I should've told you. I'm sorry..."

You sighed out, looking down disappointed. "I know you only did it to spare my feelings. But it's okay... you don't have to care anymore." You looked back up, meeting his eyes in a sad gesture.

"I hope you have a great time with her. I hope she can give you what I wasn't able to." You finish, turning away before Kenma can say anything.

Midway turning away from him, you visibly see Kenma slightly flinch at your words.

You can't help but let tears fall midway walking away. All those memories... felt wasted... all because Kenma felt like he couldn't tell you.

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