Frenemies ?

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Reader's POV

"JEFFERSON! IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT THIS SECOND I WILL CUT YOUR HAIR OFF AND MAKE YOU EAT IT!" This boy! I knock ... loudly ... again. Does he think day dreaming is a good excuse not to do work? Annoying tree. When I cut his hair off he would be a dead winter tree... Yay! The door finally opens and I am met with the loveliest of expressions. Jefferson is looking down at me as if I kicked his dog. There is this sense of frustration, dislike and bother floating around him ...and I have a job to do. To openly challenge his rude demeanour I happily walk into his office and start walking backwards looking at him. "Hey, hey! How is my favourite person?" feeling somewhat daring and wanting to push his buttons just a little , I sit on his chair, cup my face with my hands and kick my feet like a child on his very high seat. He just sighes and rolls his eyes. Very rude indeed. "Whaaaaat? Don't you want to see this awesome gene- uhm gentlewoman?" I laugh out of awkwardness. If I think about our letters while conversing with him , I will mess up. Not fun. He keeps the door open and continues standing besides it. "What is it that you need, Y/n. I have important government stuff to do." O, he does ? "That is very interesting... from what I've heard you have been very spaced out today" I look at him and I can sense his tolerance for me dropping very fast. Seeing his moody face get's boring so I look at his desk. Let's see... the letters concerning the articles of confederation are... right underneath my letter... Has he been looking at it this entire time?

After my discovery eveything happened too quickly and I needed probably more than a second to process it all. A hand snatched the letter and then I heard Jefferson... hiss at me ? After looking at where the letter used to be for good 10 seconds, I look up. Jefferson is infront of the desk, letter pressed against his chest and red in the face "Uhm, can I pretend you didn't hear anything?". Is he reffering to his hissing? Recollecting myself I repond "I don't know what you're talking about, Jefferson." adding a wink still doubting what just happened. He understands I wouldn't mention a word and seems the slightest bit relieved. "Is there anything you need?" he asks almost defeated. "Suprisingly enough I'm not just here to mess with you for no reason. Met up with Washington earlier and he asked how the articles are going...but uhm" I point at the papers in front of me signaling he hasn't finished what he needed to.

"I'll be frank with you for a second , is that alright? You need to fix up Jefferson. You understand that, right? I get it. I too get distracted ,but that is no excuse to put the entire country at a political standstill." I look at him trying to be sympathetic as he pulls up a chair infront of his desk and sits down. "I know, I know" he sighs and looks down at the letter. Shit dude. If this is going to have such an impact on his work, I must stop. I don't really want to though... "I know I have to take this seriously and I truly understand how important this is for something much bigger than myself. I want to focus but sometimes even I get tired. You get it. Being a flirt, quick witted, sharp tongued, everyone expects you to be always on top of the game - both political and social." He gives me a bitter chuckle"Maybe we are more alike than I'd like to admit." I am confused, I thought we are like enemies or something. "Jefferson, I thought I was here to yell at you and not have an existencial crisis" I take some time to look at him- no smirk on his lips, no mischief in his eyes, no overly confident posture, I hate it. We are not supposed to be close but I guess I don't exactly give him an easy time especially considering he started only like a month ago. Also... I don't like seeing this. In the letters he seems so enthusiastic and passionate, I know he cares about the General and he cares about his country. I'm not his friend but it does bother me that he isn't his cocky self I can go against... hmm

"Say, how about I help you?"

This is a slightly shorter chapter since I hope to make the next one slightly longer. I did leave this story for way too long, I lost interest in it, an important time in school came about and my poor child was left alone. None of these are good excuses.  I have been doing alot of essays and that kind of rekindled my interest in writing and reading random comments asking for me to write more got to me... so here is some chapters. I am not going to be promising anything, however, I can see this story as a bit of a breather from school essays and a place where I can write whatever I want without the pressure.

General L/n (Thomas Jefferson x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora