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{ Tori's POV }

Marco led me to my new room and carried my bags for me, Marco stepped out so I could change. I changed my outfit to a pair of black tight fitting work out pants and a tight fitting gray tank top .. I opened my bedroom door and found Marco in the hall waiting for me. He led me down to the gym where I see my father, Luca, Francesco, Riccardo, Lorenzo, and Diego standing waiting for us. Marco leads me over to them.

"We know you haven't been trained like we were before we got sworn in, and we have decided to bend the rules a little ; instead of fighting until one of you gets knocked out,  you can decide if you want to back out. All you have to do is tap the floor with your hand three times and it'll end. You will still be able to stay here being you are my daughter, but you will remain in the dark like Elena and Angelina." Valente explains

"I understand." I reply knowing that I have no intention of tapping out. These sexist idiots.

"You will be fighting with one of our best fighters that Diego trained." Marco informs me

I hear shuffling sounds so I look in the ring and see a guy almost ten times my size. He was built I'd give him that. However him being that big probably means he's slower than I am. I stop observing him so none of them catch on to what I'm doing.

"Is there anything else I should know?"
I ask

"It's strictly hand to hand combat so no weapons. That's the only rule. Normally it's a fight to the death or until one of you knock the other out but being you are the first female to ever try to be sworn in we bent the rules." Luca tells me

"Remember there isn't any shame in tapping out, we'll understand." Francesco tells me and everyone but Luca and Diego nod in agreement

"Do we start now?" I ask ignoring the fact they are already assuming this fight is a waste of time

"As soon as you walk into the ring." Luca says watching me carefully

I nod and swiftly turn and walk up to the ring then I bend the ropes and step in like a pro. It isn't my first rodeo. I start to actually feel more relaxed for the first time since my mothers death..

I look at the guy that I am facing and he says "Boss are you serious?! You want me to fight a girl?" He turns to look at Luca and I see Luca just merely nod.

The big guy in front of me then decides to look at me and say "Are you seriously going to go up against me? I'm ten times your size. I could kill you with my bare hands without breaking a sweat. This is why girls don't get sworn into the mafia."

Well he's sexist to say the least. However I remain calm and look him dead in the eyes and say "Convince me."

"What?" He questions seeming angry for whatever reason and a little confused

"Convince me that women shouldn't be sworn into the mafia." I say quietly so the others won't hear

I can see that he takes that as a challenge, much like I knew he would.

He comes running at me so I let him believe he's scarring me by faking fear on my face.
He almost stops but to keep playing with him I didn't do anything but stand there as he keeps charging at me like an angry bull. He gets right at me and goes to kick me  but I duck at the very last second making him miss me completely. He shakes of his surprise and tries to kick me again but this time I slide so that I end up behind him. He doesn't get time to turn around to face me before I kick him in the back making him fall forward off balance. He finds his balance faster than I would've thought but that doesn't worry me. I'm simply just testing him and observing his movements.

The Mafia's Secret Daughter ( #1 in the Mafia Series )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora