Chapter 40

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Rose's pov

To say that everyone was surprised to see me was an understatement. They were shocked to see me over here but they were extremely happy about it as well. I felt really nice. It felt great to be back but my main concern was Sabrina. I was sitting outside the operation theater along with lavender. Finally the doctor came out and said, 'It's a girl! She is extremely healthy and beautiful. You can meet her and the patient in some time.' the doctor said to me. Then she lowered her voice and said, 'Luna, I think she dosent have much time left.' and left.

When I went inside the ward along with lavender, we saw Sabrina sitting on the bed holding the baby in her hands. The way she looked at the baby was diffrent. There was so much love in her eyes. Tears came in my eyes with the thought that she wouldn't be able to see her own child grow up.

She looked at us and said, 'Have you ever seen a baby this beautiful? She looks perfect, dosent she?' she said with a smile. I nodded in response. We went to sit beside her. She put her baby in the cot beside her and looked at us. 'Sabrina, the doctor.....' lavender began saying. 'I know my fate aldready. Its okay. If I had gone through my chemo then I would have lost this little angel. No. I would not give her up for anything.' she said looking lovingly at her baby. 'Lavender, Rose, please just promise me one thing, please take the best care of her for me. Don't let her ever feel alone without me. Please be there with her on her special occasions. Her first birthday, her first day of school, her graduation, the time she finds her mate and also during her wedding. Don't let her miss out that motherly affection or those little things that matter a lot in the future. Let her gave someone in life that she can go to if she needs anything. Anything.' she said and tears came out of her eyes. I also felt my eyes getting wet. 'I will always be thankful to the moon goddess, she let me give birth to this angel, I know my mate, wherever he is, he is also happy. Very happy. He wanted a girl!' she said with a bright smile. It was bittersweet moment for all three of us. Me and lavender both held the baby in our hands and then gave it back to her.

After leaving the hospital I knew I needed to talk with one person. Alexander. And I knew exactly where he was. I started walking towards the garden. I saw him sitting under the tree where we first............ He was sitting silently while looking at the river. I walked upto him and he looked up at me and said nothing. I sat beside him and there was just a moment of silence of silence between the two of us. 'Alexander, I think I want to stay.' I said to him. 'There is always a place in this pack. You are always going to be the luna.' He said in a calm tone. 'By the way, I know why you left rose.' He said surprising me. 'We are mates but our relationship is pretty complicated. It's just been like that since the beginning. You are in a place right now where you don't know how to feel, how to think and its okay. You know what let's not do this anymore. This constant pressure of being mates is giving both of us headaches. Let's start right from the very beginning.' He said and extended his arm,'Hi, I am Alexander. Will you be my friend?' he asked with a smile. 'Rose. I would love that. I always wanted an alpha as a friend' I said chuckling. And thus began our new journey. Who knows what will happen next? But right now I am no mood to think about the future.

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