Chapter 9

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We tracked Kaden Novick on my tabphone, and Alex relayed his location to everyone who was out looking. Eager to talk to him about murder, I decided we'd join the chase.

"He's on the move," I said to Alex and my earpiece as we left the station, entering the artificial winter sunlight. "Coming south, towards us."

Alex drew ahead, saying the same thing to the PRBs he was in contact with. A handful of them were taking off from the station roof behind us, flying beneath the concrete sky.

"Stay on the line," I said into my earpiece. Then, to Alex, "There are some officers on patrol near the area. They're closer than anyone from the drugs squad, so they're joining the search. Let's go."

We burst onto the high street, sprinting towards a tram that had just stopped. A group of people were huddled in front of the doors, waiting to get on. Alex pushed through them with his warrant card held up and climbed aboard. "Police!"

I jumped on behind him. "This is a matter of urgency! Go!"

The doors slammed shut, and the tram screamed away. I caught a glimpse of the people who'd been waiting, all looking pissed off. This wouldn't have been a first for them: in times of emergency, police transport was the trams. Only paramedics and firefighters got independent vehicles. The streets were too narrow for anything more, and the risk of hitting people was too great.

I paced in the limited space near the doors, listening to the patrolling officers on my earpiece. It sounded like they'd spotted Kaden Novick but were struggling to keep up.

"Don't let him out of your sight!" I barked. "Alex, they're near Nova Drive, still heading south. I want us to come down the other way and block him in, so we need -- "

" -- the next stop," Alex finished, thankfully familiar with the city now.

A minute later, the tram stopped. We jumped off, and I led the way down a narrow street hemmed in by scruffy blocks of flats. My earpiece came to life again as we pounded the tarmac. "...lost...turned the corner..."

"No!" I said. "Damn it! Alex, get onto the PRBs again."

We turned the corner and almost slammed into two teenagers coming the other way.

"Give them our location," I gasped. "Have them come in from the east and west. We'll trap the bastard in this area one way or another."

Alex tapped his earpiece and gave his commands. I scanned the area around us, trying to look with the precision of a robot. My sight was clearer with adrenaline pumping through me: I saw the cracks in the brick walls and shapes in the shadows between the buildings. But no suspect.

"Caught up!" my earpiece squawked. "Turned... Diamond Lane..."

We flew around the corner.

Kaden Novick was tearing towards us, his hood pulled down over his face. Two uniformed police officers were running a long way behind him.

A metal staircase leading to the walkways stood between us. Kaden glanced at it.

"Police!" I yelled, drawing ahead of my sergeant.

Kaden slowed, his eyes widening. I launched myself at him in a tackle.

His boot flew up. I twisted away, and it hit my shin. He sidestepped. I landed on the road alone.

As I rolled over, I heard the smack of a fist meeting skin and a yell. There was a flash of black in the corner of my eye, and Kaden shot past, up the metal stairs that would take him to the higher walkways.

Alex staggered backwards and caught the railing. His jaw was bloodied, the skin split. He pushed himself away and strode towards me.

"All right?" I asked.

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