Chapter 34 - Noah

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I was apprehensive leaving Lena in the Hummer alone. I didn't anticipate that it would take a long time to finish the job but, I didn't want to take any chances. Lena didn't need to see a reaping first hand, it would be too much for her. The Hummer was the best place for her to wait.

"Don't leave the car." I warned her as I stood outside the Hummer glaring in at Lena in the backseat.

She nodded although she was still upset with me.

"I love you." I said softly but, Lena ignored me.

Parked on a dead end street in a seemingly normal neighborhood, my brothers and I headed toward a small, single story home with a solitary light on in the far left window. We triple checked that no one was around but it was late at night and most of the other homes were dark.

Taking one last look back at the car, I knew that Lena was mad and I didn't blame her. I dropped the ball with everything at the tavern and if the roles were reversed and I had to sit there with her ex-lover, I wouldn't have made it through. The way Jen acted like a two-year old didn't help.

I had known Jenny for many years and over that time, we'd been intimate more times than I could count. It was usually a random encounter on the road but, once or twice, she looked me up while in Boston and we got together. I always knew Jen wanted more than the road trip romance I could give her and to see me with Lena must have sucked. Still, she didn't need to fuel the fire the way she did.

No matter what happened between Jen and I—or between me and any woman—that didn't matter anymore. What I said to Lena was the truth: since her, no one else mattered.

Reaching the front door, Finn lifted his hand to knock. As we stood on the dark porch, no one answered.

Checking the door knob, I realized it was unlocked. Glancing silently at my brothers beside me, they both nodded. Pushing gently on the door, it opened without a squeak and the three of us crept inside.

Unable to see much of our surroundings in the dark, we didn't reach for any light switches. Keeping to the shadows, we followed the walls towards the sole source of light in the farthest room.

With no need to have guns drawn, although Eli still had one strapped to his hip, we moved effortlessly and undetected. I heard snoring in the distance as we approached the target.

Turning the corner slowly, we saw an old man with balding salt and pepper hair. He was seated in a dated armchair and was asleep in front of the T.V playing informercials.

I looked at Eli and he cleared his throat loudly, startling the man awake.

"What?" The man coughed, "What? Oh!"

"Earl?" Finn verified but, the man just looked blankly at us.

"So, it's that time, then?" The man stuttered as he pulled himself to sit upright in the chair.

Clicking off the T.V, the man turned to us and I could smell it on him that he was the person we were looking for.

While everyone had their own unique scent, some stronger than others, people that had struck a deal for their souls had a trace that was unmistakable. It was almost like a tinge of sour milk. While not pleasant, it let us know that we had the right person.

"I was expecting something...scarier." The man joked but my brothers and I didn't react.

It was better not to make small talk.

"So be it." The man said.

Struggling to get up, the Earl rose from his chair and stood there in front of us ready and willing to accept the time that had finally come to pass. I was glad because that wasn't always the case. My brothers and I plus the gun strapped to Eli's hip had encountered many people who weren't so willing to part with their lives or hold up their end of the bargain.

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