Chapter 15: The Fight

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Grin smiled viciously. "Hello there Sylvia, I see you took a fancy to Dr. Watson here and decided that you might like to help him make his valiant and daring escape. Not your smartest move."

Sylvia saw John give her a questioning glance out of the corner of her eye. Her only response was a huge blush that set her cheeks on fire and her ears burning. She saw Grin's smile widen as he observed her embarrassment.

"I thought so," he said gleefully. "Take them away."

The guards surrounding the pair of them pushed them forward and down the hall. John gave Sylvia a sympathetic glance and she returned it with another, even brighter, blush. He honestly did feel sorry for her, if someone had just blurted out about his feeling for Sherlock he would have been devastated too. Although he has made very sure that no one found out about them, not even Sherlock.

The guards pushed them both into a large spacious room that was barren except for benches along one wall and a few scattered wooden crates. Still held at gunpoint the men directed John and Sylvia to the benches.

"Take a seat," said Grin.

The two obliged and sat on one of the many hard concrete benches, side by side.

Sylvia spoke quickly, "He didn't have anything to do with this, it was all my-"

"Shut up," Grin spat at her.

"It was worth a try, thanks any way." John whispered to her appreciatively.

"Both of you be quiet! Unless you want a bullet through your friend's heads!" Grin snapped back.

John's head snapped up just as Sherlock and Lestrade were marched in at gunpoint by two more of Grin's vicious henchmen. John let out a groan, they had caught them too. Now there was absolutely no chance of rescue, great.

Grin smiled again has he heard John groan, obviously enjoying how much pain it was causing him. "Good, now that we're all together let's begin. How-"

"You said that if I came here you would let John go, so let him go." Sherlock interrupted. He looked over at John; there was hopelessness and fear in his eyes. All Sherlock wanted to do was run up to him and tell him it was going to be alright, that everything was going to be ok and that he was going to get them out of this. The only problem was that he knew it wasn't true, nothing was going to be ok and if he didn't do something soon things could get very bad, very quickly. He needed to think.

"You didn't actually think I was going to keep a promise like that did you? Mr. Holmes you really are much stupider than I thought." Grin said, turning his attention to him.

Good, at least he's not focused on John anymore, he thought, I'd better keep it that way. He raised his eyebrows at the threatening man and regarded him with a smug expression. "Oh no of course I knew you wouldn't keep that promise, which is precisely why I had Mycroft surround this building with police before me and Lestrade here penetrated your insignificantly defended base." He said pompously, "Didn't you find it the least bit suspicious that Lestrade and I didn't have any kind of back up when we barged in here? Honestly you are much stupider than I thought."

John chanced a shocked glance at Sherlock and caught his eye. As soon as he made eye contact, however, Sherlock quickly looked away and returned his full attention to Grin who was slowly advancing on him with his fists clenched. John felt his heart drop, he knew Sherlock well enough by now to know when he was making a bluff, even if he tried to hide it. He looked away from the detective and glanced up at the guard in front of Sylvia and him, he was completely focused on the interaction between Sherlock and Grin. Understanding that Sherlock was trying to divert attention away from him and buy some time he inched closer to Sylvia and explained the plan in hushed whispers.

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