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Lucas's POV

I swallow nervously as the large pale alien thats body almost resembles skin and bones continues to stare at my shaking form.

I notice my mistake of letting my guard down and only staring at the one creature as another light whooshing noise is made only this time a lot closer.

My eyes widen in panic and my breath starts coming out in heavy pants as I take notice of the other alien entering my cell.

I start to feel dizzy and my body starts to feel woozy with doesn't take me long to identify that I am having a panic attack.

The thing in front of me lets out a gravely gurgle which i suppose is meant to be comforting when he(?) realises my panic.

He then reaches into a sack that is tied around his thin waist, one that I never realised he had one him before bring out an neon blue fruit.

The alien lets out another one of the supposed comforting sound before bending his arm in front of him to offer me the fruit(?).

In the mist of a panic attack my body reflexly flinch at the raised arm and tries to submerge myself into the corner i am huddled against.

The creators makes a sharp noise making me once again leap into air but this time with a cry of fear.

My body loses its control of its emotions and lets go of all the tears I have been trying to suppress since the end of school.

Through the haze of my panic attack turn mental break down I watch as the creature not to far away from me flinches as my states brings him physical pain.

I watch on as he has a conversion with the alien that is watching us through the glass.

My stomach turns as both there attentions shifts back at me.

The Alien in front of me once again lets out the sound that I get the feeling is meant to comfort me before he places the fruit on the floor not to far from me.

And with one last look in my direction both aliens are gone, leaving my cell once again locked.

My body heaves as I struggle to breath even though I am once again alone.

I slowly manage to bring my violently shaking hand towards my knee and begin continuously tapping it in a soothing manner.

My body instantly starts to calm down at the familiar calming method I have been using since I was a child.

It takes round about 10 minutes before I am mentally stable enough to stop tapping at my knee, that doesn't stop me from lightly rubbing my thumb in a circular motion against it to not only further calm me down but to also bring me comfort in such situation.

If you couldn't tell already I suffer from frequent panic attacks, my triggers are over whelming situations and my anxiety. Which if you could tell already is through the roof.

I am honestly surprised that this is my first one since I have arrived here.

To be honest I don't really remember a specific age when this started, I feel like I've always been this way.

My mother always did say I was an anxious kid. So maybe I have always dealt with it.

Shaking my head to clear my thought, along with my dry throat, I do a quick scan of the room to make sure I am still alone before my eyes settle on the almost glowing fruit(?) type thing.

With another quick glance around I snatch the neon fruit before throwing my self into the human sized bird nest.

My body shakes my fear and adrenaline as I lock up my muscles incase someone tries to take it away from me.

Tucking the strange fruit under my arm I decided to investigate the strange looking lumps in the nest after a quick glance around tells me I am still alone.

Opening being in the nest it is easy to identify the unknown lumps in the straw and cloth nest.

With a sigh of relief I submerge my self into the pile of blankets making sure no part of me is seen from the outside.

Once Its deemed safe I was finally able to relaxed, even though I knew a nest and a couple of blankets weren't going to protect me.

Making a slight hole for light inside my blanket cocoon I started to investigate the fruit that was still tucked under my arm.

My eyebrows draw together as I get a better look at it.

The fruit was about the size of my hand and was a neon blue. I was shaped like an weird pear but the texture was one of an avocado.

Shifting around nervously I take a hesitant bite, not even knowing if you are meant to eat the skin.

I was pleasantly surprised as it almost literally burst in my mouth.

The fruit being so juicy that the liquid quickly filled my mouth without any warning.

I hurriedly chewed and swallowed before taking another bite, and then another, and another, and another one, juice dribbling down my chin I quickly finish the juicy but slightly sweet fruit before contently curling up under my blankets.

And with a peaceful mind and a shockingly full stomach I easily drifted off to sleep.

The Aliens PetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon