𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

978 12 0


i was sleeping peacefully until i was woken up by light touches scattered across my face.

i groaned and rolled over.

"damn, so you don't want my kisses?"

my eyes flew open as i shot up out of bed.

"jack!" i squealed as i attacked him in a bear hug, probably squeezing the life out of him.

he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"hi baby. god i missed you so much." he said while burying his face in my neck.

"i missed you too." i said as i ran my fingers through his hair.

"let's go get breakfast so i can tell you the news." he said standing me up, reminding me of the news he was supposed to tell me.

i almost forgot!

i opened my drawer and got out some loose ripped jeans and slipped them on. i opened my top drawer to grab a bra, as i took off my shirt jack walked over to me. placing his hands on my bare rib cage, sending goosebumps all over my body.

he placed a small kiss to my shoulder and he pulled the bra strap around my waist and clipped it behind my back.

i slid the straps up my arms then got a cropped band tee out of my closet. i grabbed a zip-up teddy jacket but left it unzipped. i threw my hair in a messy ponytail then put on some socks and my dr. martens.

i brushed my teeth, grabbed my purse, then headed out with jack.

"wait a second. how did you get into my apartment?"

"i copied your key while we were at walmart. only to surprise you though. if you want it back you can have it." he said as he turned into the Waffle House parking lot.

"no it's okay. keep it."

we got out and went inside the restaurant. as we sat at a both a lady came to give us menus and take our drink orders. me and jack both got chocolate milk.

"so the news." he said as he set his menu down.

"the news."

i could tell he was trying to conceal his excitement.

"good news or great news first?"

"um, the good news."

"okay, so me and johnson have completely got out album covered in time for the drop, nate and sammy are going to share it once it drops."

"that's awesome jack! i'm so proud of you guys." i said smiling at him.

jack and johnson have worked all day and all night on this album, for about three months, and watching jack struggle to write lyrics made me feel helpless because i suck at music.

"thank you, so now the great news. sammy's uncle is letting us use his condo so we're going to have a hometown release party!" he said happily.

"oh my god! jack that is so cool!"

"well i wouldn't have mentioned it to the boys, it was your idea after all. and just for that me and you are gonna sing a duet."

"wait. what?"

i have never tried to seriously sing a day in my life, now jack wants me to sing at his release party? fuck no, oh my god.

"yep, i've heard you singing in the shower and you have some talent. if we work on it you can get even better and maybe even be a feature in a song."

"everybody sings good in the shower."

"come on please, for me?" he begged, grabbing both of my hands.

"when i'm a public humiliation, it'll be all your fault." i hugged as the lady brought out food.

does jack really think i can sing? i can't sing with him at his release party, that night is for him and johnson. it would be selfish of me to sing with them. that night is supposed to be all about the two of them, not all about them two and one of their girlfriends.

we ate our breakfast in silence then jack decided to take me with him to meet johnson in the studio.

i was excited to see the place they record, hopefully i could hear a snippet of a song or something.

"you ready?" jack asked as he parked outside of johnson's house.

"i thought we were going to the studio?" i asked questioningly, looking at the white two story house in front of me.

"we are." i followed him out of his car and into johnson's house. he brought me through the living room and downstairs to a basement.

when he opened the basement door i case face to face with a plain white room. there was a makeshift recording booth with a microphone and soundproofing. outside of the booth was a couch and some sound effect equipment. in the corner of the room there was a desk holding an apple computer. various musical instruments around the room.

"this is so cool." i asked looking around.

footsteps were heard and soon johnson came into view, he bro hugged jack and gave me a full hug before sitting on the chair in front of the sound effect equipment.

"who first?"

"wait what do you mean?" i asked, as he looked between me and jack.

"well i didn't only bring you to the studio to watch us record, i brought you so you could maybe sing something and we can add it into a song last minute." he said nervously.

"jack, i really appreciate how good you think i am but i personally don't think i could do this. music is your career and your dream, not mine. we don't have to share everything."

"if it makes you more comfortable we can leave the room and let you sing by yourself."

i thought about it, it would be fun to mess around a little. i would like to hear how much better i sound with auto tune.

"okay, okay. but you can't put it in a song. it's your guys' music." i said. johnson clapped as he turned on the equipment and went into the booth to adjust the mic and do a sound test.

"do you want us to leave?" jack asked me. i looked between them.

"uh, you guys can stay i guess. what am i supposed to sing?" i asked.

jack handed me a piece of notebook paper with hand written lyrics on it.

"what's the melody?"

"here, 2:30 baby won't you meet me by the bean? too early maybe later you could show me things? you know what it is whenever i visit.
windy city, she blowing me kisses, no.
30 degrees, way too cold, so hold me tight.
will i see you at the show tonight?
will i see you at the show tonight?" he sang reading off the paper.

when i picked up the flow of the melody i walked into the booth, johnson walked in behind me.

"i'm gonna freestyle a little bit, what you sing is the chorus."

"chorus? wait i thought this was just for fun."

"it is, here, you need to relax."

he opened an altoids can and pulled out a joint, lighting in, hitting it, then passing it to me. i looked at the both of them before decided to take a puff.

the familiar smell and feeling brought me to comfort. i don't know how long it's been since i've smoked. probably the last time me and nate hung out.

jack pressed a button and piano started flowing through the headphones, he pointed his finger at me and i started singing the lyrics from the paper.

this was actually, fun.

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