15. Scheduled

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  It was the next morning, quite early actually.
  I didn't receive any work to do, so I was on my way to Hux's office to ask for my next job.
  I recognised the voice to be the General's.
  When I turned around the corner I saw Hux. His clothes weren't as neat as usual, nor was his hair.
  "General? What's wrong?"
  Hux yelled one last time. "JUDY CLENCH?!!" Then sighed when no reaction came. He ran his hand through his messy hair. "Judy, my assistant, hasn't shown up. Perhaps you've seen her? Red hair, green eyes?"
  I had to suppress a smile, the description sounded rather familiar. "Ahm, sir, I don't think she's going to show up. Yesterday night she had been drinking quite a lot of Alderaan wine..."
Hux sighed again and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. "Damn I need my coffee..."
Again I had to suppress a laugh. "Is that why you looks so... sloppy... because you need your coffee?"
One eye opened. "I can't live without that delicious liquid..." His eye closed again.
"Shall I get you a cup? Maybe in the meanwhile you can orden your clothes and... hair." I looked at the red, messy hair on his head, it kind of looked like some kind of wildfire now...
Hux stood straight and neatened his clothes. "But of course, that sounds like a great idea." The General walked back into his office while trying to neaten his hair.

I entered the canteen and ordered the General's coffee. Of course he gets a special well-made one instead of the dirt we had to drink.
I saw Matt, rushing towards the exit.
"Hey Matt, how are you doi-."
He held up his hand and interrupted me, "no time, I have to prepare some things."
Saying that, Matt sped past me.
I had left the canteen with the General's coffee and was now about to knock on the door of his office, but the door already opened.
"Ah, my coffee, finally." Hux almost 'pulled' me inside the office where I handed him his coffee. He immediately took a huge sip, his entire composure relaxed.
"What were you doing in this part of the base?" The coffee seemed to work, Hux sounded as his professional self again.
"Well actually, I was on my way to your office. I haven't gotten a new task, which is quite unusual."
Hux placed the cup on the desk and took his holopad. "I have the day off, perhaps we could- oh." He glared frustratedly at his holopad.
I frowned. "What's wrong?"
Hux snorted before casting his holopad back on the desk. "You already have plans. You're scheduled to go train with Ren." He spit out the last word.
My forehead creased even more.
I didn't know I'd have training with Kylo. He never asked or told me... This must be a mistake or something.
"I am sorry General, for wasting your time. I will leave now." I turned, but a hand around my forearm stopped me and spun me back around. I stood face to face with the General.
Hux's voice sounded softer than normal, and... mischievous? "Don't you ever say that. You are never wasting my time.
(It's a waste of time not to be with you.) Thank you for the much needed coffee. And perhaps we could share a coffee break soon..." He placed a chivalrous kiss on my hand.
"That would be... nice." I said, it sounded almost like a forbidden whisper. "I have to go, Kylo is waiting for me."
What am I thinking, what do I do? He is my superior. This could make us lose our jobs, maybe our lives, and I don't even know what to think about this. I have a soft spot for him, but is it like- oh I don't know.

I noticed Ren as I entered his training room.
"I knew you would come."
How the-
"How did you know? Is it a Force thing?"
Kylo's cloak moved graciously behind him as he neared closer. "No. I saw you with the General's coffee. I figured you would be with him, and so I sent him your scheduled training."
But wha- I didn't see him... Okay I'm not even going to try to understand the Force, I give up.
I stopped myself from throwing my arms in the air. "Why train? I already learned how to use a blaster from Ma- and what exactly is the reason that you are going to train me?" Yes, Ren was my superior, but why would he toy with my schedule?
Ren hovered his face close to mine. "I don't need to answer your questions."
And it was the truth.
He turned around.
I looked at the floor, defeated.
However, Kylo was right, he didn't have to answer my questions, with him being my Commander. But that didn't stop me from feeling... upset. Even though I didn't know why I'd be upset.
As if Kylo knew how I felt, he turned his helmeted head towards me. "Uhm... Matt asked me to, he didn't want you to get hurt again."
The bad feeling disappeared and made room for happiness, a smile crept on my face.
Did Matt really ask the Commander to train me? He's got more important things to do right?
I wanted to ask it out loud, but didn't.
"No, this is the most important... Are you coming or what?"
Of course he can read my thoughts.
I hastily followed him towards the circle that had been drawn on the floor.
"I want to see what you're capable of when it comes to fighting without weapons. The first to give up or leave the circle loses."
I nodded.
Kylo took off his cape with a single movement, by doing so he revealed his amazing build.
  Wow, I didn't know he would look so... don't think that! He might be able to hear or see what I think!
But it was in vain, a small chuckle left Kylo's helmet.
My shoulders lowered. "Am I that weak-minded?"
Kylo stopped laughing. "No. It's just, the first time I was able to read your questions was because you wanted to ask them out loud, really desperately. The second time was because you quite literally screamed your thoughts."
"Ehm, yes... Why don't we get started?"
I didn't have to say that twice, immediately Kylo tried to hit me.
I blocked him just in time.
  That's going to leave a mark.
Ren was in his element.
It didn't take long for Kylo to win.
I only got to admire his magnificent fighting style for a short time, before he floored me.
He had deceived me by making me think he was about to punch me, so I stepped back, but instead he hooked my leg right on the moment I took a step back. Leaving me with nothing to stand on.
I fell on the hard floor.
  That's definitely going to leave a mark. Hmpf.
I was about to crawl back up, when Kylo held his hand out for me, I took it and he helped me stand.
I wiped the dust off me.
"You have potential, but you do need training. The fire's there, now you need to control it. Come stand over here."
I did as I was ordered.
"Show me a high kick."
I pretended that there was one of my old bullies standing in front of me to make it easier.
"I see, you use a good amount of strength in your kick... Now don't forget your arms, you should do it more like this..."
I took a kicking stance.
Kylo's gloved hands bowed my arms gently in the right pose.
Goose flesh played up as he placed his hands on my waist in order to turn my body in the right direction.
Air filled my lungs again when he stepped back to look at the result.
"That's better, but you need to keep training until you know how to defend yourself."

Why did that sound familiar?

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