Chapter Six: Tyrannical Terrorism

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Chapter Six: Tyrannical Terrorism

 Wait. Did she say ‘military’? What would the military be doing outside the Fence limits?

I quickly make my way through the alley, revealing the dead city on the other side. I have never really looked at or pondered on what has been left abandoned by those who made it into the defences of the Fence itself. It’s all just rubble and dust. Echoes of a past that no one can relive. At least, not on this side of the Fence, anyway.

I almost lose my footing as some of the dust and rubble shifts under my feet. Just as I went down, a hand caught my arm.

“Should you be out here with that leg?” Jack’s voice comes from behind me, making me jump.

“I’m fine.”

“Of course you are.”

I roll my eyes and pull from him as fast as I possibly could. Do not need him invading my personal space any more than necessary, thank you.

“We’re not far. Should I carry you, princess?”

I grind my teeth and march away, not caring about the pain shooting through my ankle.

But all thoughts scattered to the breeze that suddenly picks up as we come closer to the towering monstrosity that is the Fence. It was big far away but up close it’s something else. It towers above you, making you feel microscopic while having to crane you neck and squint, just to see the top in the far distance. That it was intimidating normally, began to make me wonder at the ring of military below. Like a black horde, a mass of soldiers, tanks, trucks and parked helicopters all faced out, standing as vigil sentries, with most heavily defending the tightly shut great white steel gates that were a third of the height of the wall.

Cody grabs my jacket, pulling me into a nearby collapsed building just in time as an armoured truck rolls passed. We watch as the soldiers all dressed in black gear and technological masks that probably gave them everything from night vision to filtrating toxic air. …I wonder if they could even piss in them…

 “What’s going on?” Cody asks.

Jack puts a finger to his lips just in time for another patrol car to go passed. “We can’t talk here.”

I frown, watching the soldiers all on high alert. A sinking feeling pulls at my gut and I force myself from the wall. We shouldn’t even be in a four hundred mile radius of this place in the first place. My gaze switches over to a group talking amongst themselves and pointing in our direction.

“Gotta move,” I mutter, pulling on Cody and we all quickly get out and go back.

After some time, Jack opens his mouth, “Their movements have increased threefold in the last two days alone,” he states. “We’ve tracked their patrols for days now, in the beginning they only went a few blocks around the wall but their reach is extending further with each day. It won’t be long before their patrols include Deadside.”

We all knew what that meant. That little community would be annihilated without thought or question.

“Can’t you evacuate them?” I ask while Cody is helping me get up a sudden steep step.

“…It is their decision to stay or leave. But it does present an opportunity.”

My glare fixes on Jack. Just what is he planning? This kind of preparation can only mean one thing and I do not want to get mixed up in all of this. We need to move and preferable by tonight. The farm house isn’t secure enough for something of that magnitude. We need to move on.

Vivid (BoyxBoy) {Pipe Dream: Book I}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ