Chapter Six - Stop Watching Chick Flicks!

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  • Dedicated to Nikki Chowder

Hey everyone! I received a bunch of requests telling me I should update Remy Unenchanted and, well, here goes! 

Most requests were actually months old and I doubt that the requesters (and no, I do not know if that word  exists, but who cares? xD) even remember this story, but oh well. Here it is! :D 

Hope you like it. ;)) 

-Kierra XX

Chapter Six -  Stop Watching Chick Flicks!

Eight Reasons Why My Life Sucks

(a list by Remy Aurelia Parker)

1)      Myself. Enough said.

2)      Somebody calls me “Dog” with a capital D.

3)      That somebody? He’s a jerk.

4)      That jerk? He thinks I’m a mentally retarded pervert-slash-stalker.

5)      I have a crush on that jerk.

6)      I’ll be stuck with him for a long while because

7)      I’m a secret, teenage fairy godmother and nobody’s supposed to find out.

8)      My best friend did.

“Remy? What the bloody hell was that?” he asked me.

                I formulated lots of thoughts in my head, formulating an alibi that could possibly explain what that black shadow was. Excuses were flooding my mind. But of course, I only stared at him, open-mouthed and wide-eyed. Not to mention overly conscious of his hand on my neck. Also, despite the fact that I was sort of in a big, and I mean BIG trouble, I totally did not think of the way he said “bloody” and how English he sounded. Nope, totally didn’t think of that above everything else.


                We both turned to look, and Jesse was, of course, standing a few feet away from us, with a shocked expression on her face. She eyed Wes’s hand, and once Wes realized this, he let it drop.

                “Um, hey, Jesse.”

                Slowly, a sour expression took over her face, and if I wasn’t still shaken by the fact that Wes has me on a tight spot, I would have laughed because she looked so much like a witch.

                “Stop. Talking,” she said, putting her hand up in a Stop gesture.

                I almost pointed out that nobody was talking.

                “I don’t need an explanation because of course, I totally trust you, Wes-bear.”

                Trying not to gag (I mean SERIOUSLY? Wes-bear?) and not to point out, again, that no one was trying to explain anything.

                “Oh, it’s not what you think. I was just—”

                She smiled through a grimace (a smace?) but it honestly looked like the face of somebody who was having a serious bowel movement problem. How she could still manage look attractive (I mean, let’s be honest here. Her nose job really did do the magic and nobody could deny the fact that she looks attractive. Of course, other than a blind person, but that was already a given) while smacing is beyond me.

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