Chapter 18

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Was suppose to upload this last night but fell asleep.

Once she had taken her last breath, her agonizing pain had instantly dissipated and she had been enveloped in a state euphoria and calmness. It felt as if she had been laying on a large white poofy soft cloud.

Then a hand had gently stroke her face.

Her eyelids lifting, she had saw long snow white hair that looked to be purer than anything, but his face had been blurred. This person, he had been the one who was calling her.

"Mirari." His voice had been tender and warm.


"You shall not perish."


Then a force had pulled her in.

The being had softly smiled, expecting this. "Good-bye earth's child."


It had been four days since Ashnah had apparently died and had came back to life by what the doctors had said. They had told Ellen and Anzor that she was fine but was somewhat weak, required rest and must not do things that could be strenuous for her body. This was how the child ended up in this predicament. The girl's father had blown the 'nothing strenuous' part out of proportion.

"Ash, say ahhh." Anzor said. The child's father had blew it out of proportion, making sure to personally feed her a nutritional soup once a day in the morning, before he left to go to the royal palace to work.

Ashnah glanced at the spoon then over to her mother.

Her mother was seated not too far away in a chair within the child's new room and had a book in her hands. Sensing her daughter's gaze, she looked up from that book. Then Ellen smiled widely, holding her thumbs up.

"Ahhh." She opened her mouth to be fed. At least this was not worse than when she had been breastfed as a baby by her mother.

Eating she thought about what was currently going on in the capital, their names belonging first of the list for the citizens to gossip about. She was pondering on what exactly were her mother and her and father doing. Yes, she wished to help fix their relationship, ..... after they were married. But not for them to do this - commit adultery. She had pretended to think nothing of it when she had saw the first sign during the morning of their last day in Halcyone. But they had entered a whole other estate while his wife and legitimate daughter were in another. Ashnah did not want her parents' relationship to go about this way.

After Anzor had finished feeding his daughter, he had headed out not before telling Ellen and Ashnah 'good-bye' first with a kiss to each of their cheeks.

This was when Ellen walked over to her daughter, crouching to her height. The mother had seen the look on her daughter's face when she had been eating and could have guessed the mean point on what she had been thinking about. That her parents were doing something bad.

"Ashnah." Ellen started, gazing deeply in her daughter's amethyst eyes then continued. "I need you to trust me. I will never do anything against the morals I have taught you. Never. Not even for your daddy." She hugged her. "So my child, please, please, please believe in me .... believe in us. There are reasons why your mommy and daddy are doing this. It does not go against our morals. And the people outside, may think otherwise. I promise you, the reasons why, everything.... will be revealed in time. Your mommy and daddy are not doing anything bad." She pulled away from her. "Do you believe in us?"

Reasons why? Ashnah knew that her mother would never lie about something like this. If she had said she was not doing anything against her morals, then she was not. If she had said there were reasons, then they were. All the seven years she had spent with her mother, gave Ashnah the reason why to trust her. The child nodded her head then smiled. If it was probably a day before her apparent death, she probably would have thought otherwise until it was actually proved with facts and evidence. "Mhmm! I believe mommy, in you and daddy!"

Ellen sighed, a breath of relief escaping her.


Within the royal palace grounds, the most tranquil place was where the Grand Queen Regnant Milcah resided. Many even forgot it existed because the royal who occupied the place, rarely made appearances and was almost disconnected from the outside world.

People except for those of the royal bloodline rarely visited and there were only a small amount of trusted staff worked around the residence per the Grand Queen Regnant's request.

Anzor Morley and Milcah Cromwell were sitting in a gazebo within the Grand Queen Regnant's flower garden, having tea while they conversed. A sweet floral aroma had dispersed into the air from since dawn.

Milcah placed her teacup back onto her it's saucer. "How is that child? Better I hope." She was referring to Ashnah. Worry was evident in her voice.

The silver head man responded. "Yes. The passed few days, she has been consuming nutritious soups and has almost fully regained all of her strength."

"That's great." Milcah said, picking up and going through several photos of Ashnah with a gentle look in her emerald green eyes. "When she is more than able, make sure she visits. I would not mind having her keep me company every once and a while."

"So Grand Queen Ragnent does not desire for me to visit anymore as well?" Anzor jokingly said in a pained voice.

"Abandon the old and pamper the new." She chuckled. Placing the photos of Ashnah into a beautiful intricate jewelry box with a magic lock, she closed it's lid. The jewelry box automatically locked with a click.

He said. "I should have known." Afterwards Anzor imagined his daughter being overwhelmed with the Grand Queen Regnant spoiling her then did a low laugh.

"Is something amusing?" She quirked up an eyebrow.

"It is nothing." The Archduke smiled, his dimples becoming apparent.

"Hmmm?" The Grand Queen Regnant gazed quizzically at him. She noted how the person before her had grown so much.

Anzor got up. "I have to go back before the eyes and the ears of the walls notice, I am gone."

Milcah's emerald green eyes narrowed on hearing this. "Anzor, do be careful."

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