59. Hello, My Most Hated One

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When I woke up again, my mouth was gagged with cloth and my limbs were tied down to my bed.

"Mmph! Mmph!" I tried to yell out for someone to untie me.

What the heck was going on...?

My room was dimly lit and there didn't seem to be anyone nearby.

I used a bit of my magic to create a sharp shard of ice to cut open the cloth gagging me and the ropes tying me down onto my bed.

Once I was free, I took another careful glance over my room.

Nothing really seemed out of place...but my head was horribly fuzzy as if I had just gone through a whole mental war in my head.


He must have done something to me after teaching me how to use copy magic!!

I groaned and rubbed the sides of my head as I tried to figure out what happened.

But, I immediately gave up on thinking since I already had a headache anyway and, instead, opened the windows of my room to let some fresh air in.

The moon was barely beginning to rise outside of my window and I could feel a soft cool breeze fly into my room.

On a nearby sidewalk, I could see someone with slightly curly red hair walking by from below.

"Wolfe!! Hey, is that you?" I yelled out to him.

He turned his head upward to face the window where I was and blinked twice.

"Oh, hello," he replied back to me with a wave.


I felt a wave of...relief(?)...for a moment when I saw that his eyes were green.

I wonder why.

"What are you doing, walking outside at this hour? I thought you'd be sleeping," I said to him.

"I was sleeping...it's just that I was a little hungry...so I had to get up and go...pick up some food," Wolfe sighed as he looked as if though he were recalling some awful memories.

"Well...Did you enjoy your meal?" I asked him.

"Absolutely not," Wolfe replied as his face turned a little green.

"...Get out. Shoo. Keep walking and don't let me see your face again," I said seriously as I waved my hand for him to leave.

How dare he speak to me like this, thinking that I wouldn't get offended...??

Wolfe simply nodded his head lazily once and continued on his way back to his dorm.

I sighed and continued bathing in the cool breeze.

My mind was still feeling a bit fuzzy and for a brief moment, my eyesight went a little blurry.

I shook my head again and when my vision was focused again, I could see Wolfe walking back toward me from the direction he was walking to earlier.

"What are you doing here again?! I asked you to leave. So, leave," I yelled down at Wolfe.

But when he turned his head upward to look at me, I felt a sudden chill go down my spine.

The expression on his face...was terrifying.

He was grinning at me with a strange look in his...honey-yellow eyes.

"Wolfe...? Hey...Wolfe...is that you...?" I asked seriously as I took a step away from my window.

"It's lovely to meet you again, Lady Cyllia. I didn't think that I'd be able to meet you here today. Do you remember me?" he asked me with a small chuckle.

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