41 ~ It's all Lie from the Beginning...

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Surprise, Surprise, Surprise... 😘😘😘

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Rajvardhan POV

Decorations, Colours, flowers, and celebrations were the things that ignited the excitement in the Mahabaleshgarh. I was walking towards the Royal court for some meeting with the Royal member and soon, I entered the Royal Court. I met everyone and bowed to my seniors.  After Taking my couch we all waited for the King to enter. 

After a few moments, the announcer announced his presence loudly as he entered the court. 

Everyone wished and bowed to him, including me.

He smiled looking at me and climbed on his throne sitting in pride. 

"Please sit down," He said.

We all settled on our couches waiting to hear why this royal meeting was called early morning. 

"So, As I already said that I and the Queen are passing on the crowns to the Rightful owner that means Prince Rajvardhan and his wife Princess Abhishree on the auspicious occasion of Haldi Ceremony of our Daughter Princess Gulaab. I am requesting everyone to stay alert in this particular month because there will be huge celebrations and functions happening in the Palace."

He took a pause and then continued.

"I request Prince to take the responsibility of security and lead our soldiers in the safety of Empire under him. Also, I would like to pass on the custody of Royal Stamps, Documents and trunk of Official letters to the Prince. Please Bring the Royal orders and stamp here" He ordered the attendee.

Soon an attendee showed up having Different kinds of Stamps, Keys and Letters with him. 

The king Stood up from his throne and stepped down from those few stairs and out of respect everyone also stood up immediately. 

He walked towards me and handed over me all the Royal responsibilities. I was not very happy neither sad because, from my childhood, I knew that I had to be the King one day and lead the Empire but seeing my father retiring as a great king and emperor made me a little emotional. 

He proved himself as a great King many times in his life and he was always loved by the peoples of Empire and I would be more than Proud if I ever am a King like him.

I bowed a little while taking them in my hand and passed them on to the attendee. Then he gave me the keys as the rightful owner, Although I already knew which key belonged to which trunk or vault but he was fulfilling all the formalities.  

The last thing, he gave me was his shawl that he pulled down from his shoulder and spread on mine. I didn't know why I immediately felt a little burdened because from now on, I had to make the decisions on my own. I had to think about our empire on my own. I had to cope up with all the problems all alone and I had to be the King for all. 

I smiled looking into his eyes as he was smiling beautifully and had water in the corner of his eyes. He hugged me saying.

"I waited for this day since you born Raj" 

"Thank you so much, Pita Saheb," I remembered that it's been years since I called him father. 

Everyone congratulated and appraised me and I took the blessings of my father, teachers and all seniors. They seemed so much happy and I was happy too but somehow I wanted to share the happiness with Abhi. 

Abhishree ~ The Queen of MahabaleshgarhHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin