(#36) Lindon

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While, I was running away, I caught a glimpse of her sitting happily, chatting with her brothers and sons.

The one who killed Lindon's mother.

The traitor who killed Lindon's mother.

She is...

None other than...

The Empress. Velianna Elen Asi Barrel.

Anger boiled through me.

She had to understand the fact that love cannot be bargained.

But even after she went through all those difficulties, she still couldn't get the Emperor's heart.

I scoffed.

How can she? After all, love is not materialistic. It is an emotional feeling. And a very deep one at that.

"Lady Aesther!" I heard the Empress calling me.

Plastering a smile on my face, I turned.

"Yes, Your Highness." I said and bowed courteously.

"Oh, I don't want any formalities in between us. Be natural, dear." She said smiling.

If I am being natural, I wonder if you will be able to tolerate.

"Your Highness, The Empress, I was a born in the House of Aesther. I am afraid, that I do not know the meaning of uncourteous." I said.

"You are from House Aesther alright. Otherwise, how can you have such a smooth tongue?" The Empress said.

Considering the fact that she is an aristocrat, but complimenting an Imperialist, she deserves a round of applause.

I bowed. "I humbly thank Your Highness for your praise." I said.

"Oh dear, stop it." The Empress said laughing.

Even I laughed along with her.

The only thing was that, we both were laughing for different reasons.

She was laughing because I maintained my etiquette, and I laughed looking at the bitter face of Sir Barrel.

"I always find the laughing of women quite entertaining." The Queen said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. The laughing sound of women is quite a pleasant sound to hear." She said.

"What about crying?" I asked.

She looked at me with a horror face. Even Count Barrel was shocked.

"You don't?" I asked, changing my tactics suddenly.

"I personally think that when a women cries, it will have the sound of a mouse squeaking. I mean, that is unless, she wails out." I said and smiled.

I reassured sigh was shown when I said that.

"That is true too." The Queen said, smiling weirdly.

I then looked upwards, at the sky.

"It looks like it will become noon soon. I have to return home." I said and bowed.

"Oh, it looks like we made you become late." The Queen said.

"Oh, never." I said.

"Hush dear. Don't mind it. I will personally send a carriage to send you back to Aesther Household." The Empress said.

"If it was anyone else, I would have refused. But it is the almighty Empress herself. If word goes out, I might become the most gossiped women in the capital tomorrow." I said.

Rebirth : Rise of the Phoenixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن