Chapter 24

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"It all started with an argument as you said and then it went sideways the second Clive started mentioning Malic's Luna, he was throwing inappropriate slurs about her and even threatened her name with rape and violence."

I mean it's understandable, like come on!

"Malic just kinda...snapped. On the football field, he went all alpha on Clive daring him to say it again and when he did he just-" Tomas snaps his fingers "Nothing could calm him down, not even Bella. I actually think she kinda made it wore.

Yeah yeah, I roll my eyes.

"Malic gripped Clive by the throat and then practically ripped it out." My eyes widen "in front of kids as little as 13. No remorse, no mercy. And the last thing he said to him was 'Speak on my Luna like that again, oh wait, you can't' and we all watched Clive's body go limp."

Tomas turns to me "I don't know what his obsession was with you, but it's unhealthy."

"I'm not his mate." I declare.

He scoffs making my stare go cold "The more you deny it the harder you make it, for the both of you."

"Can we go see the view now?" I get up ready to leave, I'm so not having this conversation with him. No fucking way! I don't even wait for an answer, I kinda just walk off.

Like what the hell? Do I need to spell it out for people? I. AM. NOT. SAINT SALVADORE'S. MATE! Like no, no, no.

The question 'what makes you think I'm his mate' swirls in my head for hours as Tomas and a sit at the front with the beaming sun hitting our backs, I'm not gonna ask unless he brings up the top of Malic again.

Yesterday was horrendous, first he corners me in a plane bathroom and then he blurts shit out like "my wolf wants you." and then he keeps fucking touching me which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't get butterflies every time he did. Ugh. This is not what I signed up for.

Turns out the tour was more like a cruise that lasted until eight which is usually when we'd be eating back at the suite but we're still on the yacht. When it's finally time to get off the outside is pitch black making the ocean look like a sea of dark blood again.

Instead of going back to my room I actually head over to Tomas' suite as stay there until it's past eleven "Okay imma go take a shower then go bed," I get out of his bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He nods over at me.

"Yeah yeah." I leave then go down the long corridor and then into my room, I step into my room feeling a little crunch as I step on something. I close the door behind me and lock it just in case this is a human traffic scheme and switch my light on.

Oh. It's just a paper. I pick it up to see it has something written on it.
Meet me by the picnic table. After eleven. The note reads. Okay this could be one of two scenarios a) Saint could be trying to mend whatever happened yesterday or b) I'm definitely a human trafficking victim.

I mean, I really like the idea of the first thought that's what gets my heart racing, my dumb ass actually thinks Malic is going to mend something. I roll my eyes at the thought of my pathetic-mess, I mean it would be nice though.

I decide to go aways, I could either be a victim and then let Nia tear them apart or Malic could be there. Turns out I set my bar way to high because he's not here, not even his lingering scent.

I slowly start to approach the picnic table letting the wind blow in my hair and then scan my surroundings, absolutely no sign of him. I tuck hair behind both ears taking the L and move towards the beach. And I thought he wanted to fix things, pfft. What is there to fix? There's nothing there.

I stop in front of the water letting it touch the top of my toes. I mean, it's always been like a curse to me. I've always been a hopeless romantic, wanting the best from someone. I guess now that I think about it, I wasn't really expecting him to show up.

The waves look inviting making me want to go out and just let the water consume me whole, oh what I would give to swim with the fishes only for a sec. The sound of faint footsteps hitting the sand get my attention and I glance behind me. Malic.

My heart literally skips a beat as I turn back towards the ocean disguising my smile. I feel his warmth radiating off of him as he stops besides me. I want to blame it on Nia but this time it was all me when I look up at him to admire him. His ice blue eyes lock mine and I glance over back at the ocean.

"I didn't think you'd come." He finally breaks the silence and just the sound of his voice makes my stomach flip.

"I didn't think it was you." I don't give him the pleasure of thinking he was my first thought, even though he was.

"Do you want to play truth or drown?" I feel his glance on me so I look up at him.

"What the hell is 'truth or drown'?"

"I ask you something and you have to give me an honest answer, if you don't you have stay underwater for at least ten seconds. Viscera."

I look back at the ocean that looks pitch dark, I mean...I don't know. So it's basically 21 question with an alpha that might or might not drown you. From what I've heard today he's a very dangerous man, but Nia really wants too.

Should I give in?

Imma give in.

I'm my own alpha Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ