XX - Sage

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Hello beautiful ladies and gentlemen. I am back (ish). Anyway enjoy the update and follow me.

Excuse the mistakes. I didn't proofread.

Sage waited for Adonis to drive up

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Sage waited for Adonis to drive up. He had been with his sister since she had arrived two days ago and Sage hadn't seen him since she got her hair done. She was currently on her lunch break and she had opted to drive to the restaurant but he had told her that he'd pick her up instead. She was glad. She drove like a crackhead in a rush and she had terrible road rage.

Within two minutes Adonis had pulled up outside the law firm. It was a big building. Six stories high with only black lawyers, interns and other workers. It was prestigious in the county as it catered to helping black workers get jobs. A criminal record and disability was nothing if you could get the job done well and not cause any problems to yourself, the staff, clients or the business' reputation.

Sage pulled open the door of the passenger side, getting in by herself. Sometime ago Adonis had scolded her on opening doors for herself and she had replied saying the day she allowed a man to open her door, chivalry or not, was the day she allowed herself to depend on a man. Safe to say he wasn't pleased with her reply.

"What I tell you about that opening your door for yourself shit?" The deepness of his voice reminded her why she had told him that she wasn't going to open it for herself the other times when he wasn't pleased with her first reply.

"You were taking too long," she smoothed her bright yellow dress out. She had opted for this dress and its matching blazer as it allowed her dark skin to stand out and they contrasted together beautifully.

"Patience is a virtue," he looked over at her briefly, licking his bottom lip as started the car up.

"Good for patience then," she shook her head as she pulled her phone out of her blazer pocket.

"You're gonna have to watch that motherfucking mouth when you're around me. Anyway how is your second day of work so far?"

"I met Chance James this morning," her inner fangirl was coming out, "he's in his fifties but he doesn't look a day over 75. And he's so nice."

"Yeah," Adonis smiled briefly, "the tabloids do him any justice?"

"Nah. Well I wouldn't know. I just met him so far so I have no idea what his character is apart from the one that he showed me."

"You're a smart girl, you know that?" Adonis flicked her temple.

"Well duh," she smiled and rolled her eyes, "I'm an intern at James, James and Nelson while in high school."

Adonis shook his head at her response. Their conversation faded out as some random artiste popped up on the radio.

"Whatchu' wanna eat?" Adonis looked over at Sage whilst picking up his menu. They were currently eating at The Same Place, a four star restaurant twelve minutes away from the James, James and Nelson building.

"I don't know. We're already nineteen minutes in and there's a twelve minute drive back. I only get an hour for lunch and we'll need at least two minutes to get to the car and drive off. I'll also need another two minutes to enter the building and take the elevator back to my floor, the third floor. We've only got twenty five minutes so I'll need something I can eat in seven as there would be preparation time. So I'll opt for the small bowl of shrimp pasta."

"Damn," Adonis looked at her bewildered, "you really sat there and added all this shit. Anyway I'ma call the waiter over."

With a small wave from Adonis, the waiter came over. Adonis had opted for a small bowl of shrimp pasta like Sage did and was delighted to hear that they had it ready. Within two minutes the waiter came out with both bowls and two glasses of water.

"Thank you," Sage thanked the waiter as his eyes lingered on her. With a small 'you're welcome', he bowed and took his leave.

"You got seven minutes Sage, lemme see you eat it in that."

"This ain't nothing for me big poppa," she flashed him a million dollar smile, "I can finish this in less than two but we are somewhere formal so I won't do that."

"You can do whatever you please ma, only person whose opinion should matter about you is your own. If you feel the need you can make mine matter as well m but you got that under control already."

With another smile, Sage and Adonis both dug in. Sage had ate hers in five and drank her water in two, adding up to the five minutes.

"You a lil mathematician Miss Anders, Why you doing this law thing then," Adonis wipes his mouth with the paper napkin provided.

"I done told you why I'm doing this already," she signaled the waiter this time.

"I'm just fucking with you," he smiled.

When the waiter came over with the bill, Adonis reached into his pocket to pick a wad of cash. Even though two hundred dollars was more than enough he gave the waiter it nonetheless for the food and the tip. They had exceptional service and the food was delicious.

"We got fourteen minutes of nothing to do," Sage looked at him as they got up to leave.

"Trust me, we can find something to do," the lick of his lips and the way his eyes lingered over her wide hips when he gave her a glance over, alerted Sage as to what he may have been talking about.

Sage only rolled her eyes and headed to the exit with Adonis behind her. His eyes lingered on her ass he lied and said he couldn't feel. It was sitting right in the dress. He could almost bet she had cellulites under and he couldn't wait until the day he could finally take it off her.

Momentarily distracted by Sage's figure, Adonis hadn't even noticed the incoming person until his shoulder and theirs made contact.

"If it ain't Greek," Adonis looked forward for his grey eyes to clash with the dark ones of Rico's.

"I ain't sparing you any greeting, excuse me," Rico wasn't somebody he liked to see and the sight of his was irritating Adonis.

"Nah bruh. I ain't want any greeting. But you got a pretty lil thing," his eyes drifted off to Sage who was walking to the car, "wouldn't wanna lose her to me."

"A nigga that can't do anything don't faze me. You all bark and no bite. I ain't got time for this negativity. Good day Rico," Adonis didn't wait for a reply as he sidestepped Rico and made his way to the car.

"Be careful with your lil bitch. She a fine lil thing," he could hear the fading voice of Rico as he threw up a middle finger behind his back. Rico was negative. He just spent two minutes barely conversing with him and now he only had twelve minutes to see what he could do with Sage.

I hurried and updated for y'all since I was too busy last night.

How are you at the moment? Truthfully.

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October 21, 2020

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