10. I love you too

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Y/n's POV
When I woke up I heard a heartbeat. A little confused, I opened my eyes and looked up to see Daveed sleeping soundly. I chuckled a bit and stood to go make breakfast.

My back was a little sore from sleeping on the couch but it was fine. It's not like I was dying.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw John and Eliza standing next to the kitchen counter. "G'morning." I mumbled tiredly as I got eggs out of the fridge. "I see you and Daveed fell asleep together." John smirked at me. "Yep." I chuckled, turning on a burner with a little pan resting on top of it. "Are you two together now?" Eliza asked eagerly. "Yeah we are." I smiled as I cracked an egg and let it fall onto the pan.

"Y/n?" I heard Daveed call. "Kitchen!" I called back. I continued talking with John and Eliza as Daveed walked to the kitchen slowly.

I turned around as Daveed walked into the kitchen. Though, he looked over at John and Eliza, stopping dead in his tracks. "Y/n," Daveed started. "Yeah?" I asked, looking at my ancestors. "Why can I see them?" Daveed asked in a panic. "Am I dead?!" He yelped, looking at his hands. "No, Daveed," I laughed. "You aren't dead."

"Then why can I see them?" Daveed asked, walking over to me and practically hiding behind me. "Usually when I genuinely trust people they'll show up to others." I shrugged, turning back to the eggs.

"Ok ok ok," Daveed started. "So when you were 7 you walked in on your parents dead, then at fourteen you walked in on your best friend's suicide, then at 17 you found your cousin dead, then at 20 your grandma?!" Daveed yelped. "Yeah.." I chuckled, wiping a few tears. I decided sense Daveed and I were together he should know what I've actually been through. "And your ancestors have been with you the whole time.." Daveed whispered, looking over at John and Eliza. "Yep, you wanna go over to my apartment and meet everyone now that you can see them?" I asked. Daveed nodded after a bit of hesitation.

"Um.. I guess this is like meeting the parents?" I mumbled as we walked up to my doorway. Daveed laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "It's alright. Plus, from what I've heard they already know me." He smiled down at me as I unlocked the door. "Yeah.. they already know you.." I whispered, opening the door.

"I'm home!" I called. Immediately, Peggy and Lafayette were running into the room with Herc. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Daveed though. "Hi." Daveed waved. Peggy's eyes widened as she ran over and hid behind me. "Why can he see us??" Peggy yelped. "Remember when Maddie used to be here and she could see you all?" I asked. "Yeah, you trust him?" Lafayette asked. I nodded as Peggy let go of my shoulders which let me stand up straighter.

"ALEX, PHILIP, ANGELICA, COME HERE PLEASE!" I yelled. "Didn't you say that you see all the Hamilton kids?" Daveed asked as we sat on the couch. "Yeah," I started as Alex, Philip, and Angelica walked in, Eliza and John following them. "But I only see them every 5 or so years." I shrugged.

"Y/n, why is Daveed here?" Alex whined like a 5 year old. "Well he can see and hear you now so watch what you say. And I brought him over to meet you guys." I informed him. Philip's eyes lit up as he quickly walked over to Daveed, siting next to him. "I'm Philip!" Philip exclaimed excitedly. "I'm Daveed." Daveed chuckled a bit.

"He's taking this surprisingly well.." Lafayette observed, forgetting that Daveed could hear him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that." Laf apologized, looking at Daveed. Daveed just smiled and wrapped and arm around my shoulders.

"No no no no no no no," Alexander started as he stood from and chair, marched over to us and tried to move Daveed's arm from my shoulder. Only to remember that he was in fact a ghost and couldn't do anything. I stifled a laugh and looked down at my lap, covering my mouth a bit.

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