
Victory is mine! I finally beat my writer's block on 'Tiny Dancer' and finished/published the next chapter(s). (Side note: I'm not sure it's my best work but, damn it, I'm just happy I got it done.)
          	I'm about halfway through the next chapter of 'Life on the Edge' because Ragcup has me in a serious fixation right now. Honestly, I think it's because I'm so excited to write one particular upcoming episode. (Buffalord Soldier. If you know, you know.)
          	Also, surprising probably no one, I got an idea for another story too. I probably won't be working on it seriously any time soon, but I'll add it to my 'Future Story Ideas/Plans'. It's a PJO story that I'm gonna put in the TV Shows chapter but, fair warning, it'll be based off the books and *not* the show. It's just easier to put it in that chapter instead of making a whole new one. So, keep an eye out for that in case you don't get a notification about an update on it.
          	Sorry it took me so long to update 'Tiny Dancer', but I hope you enjoy the chapter(s) and any of my other stories you read!


@LadyArtemis13  I loved it the way Jesse has to learn they will make mistakes the drag queens cat's luck and the police station all so good


Hey LadyArtemis13 this is a question I have does ragnar ever get afraid of what his future holds for him and is he afraid of his half god side and how he might live for a long time and how he might have powers maybe and he might have norse magic powers like shape-shifting/Seiðr/Spá/Galdr/Runes


Thinking of Jesse and Beck listening to 'Hold me Closer' years into the future. Maybe they got married, maybe they fell apart. Either or, hearing 'Tiny Dancer' get a bit of a makeover with Britney Spears of all people on the track would be a treat for them I'm sure <3