
COVER REVEAL FOR THE SOON TO BE PUBLISHED The Misfortunes of Lolita on my Instagram!!!


when is it going to be released??


Dearest losangelesque,
          I really do hope this message finds you well and thriving . I’m writing it with untwist gratitude and thanks. Thank you for having the courage to put out your book ‘The misfortunes of Lolita’. It is profound and pretty and makes me laugh and cry and hope,sometimes it also makes me despair in the best of ways. Thank you for making me feel what I feel when I read it. 
          It feels the same now as it did years ago when I read it for the first time and has soon come to be a small constant,a totem that keeps steady in my ever shifting life. 
          Thank you for this piece of you that you’ve put out into the world. It will never not be beautiful.
          Sincerely and with best wishes,


Hello. Here i am again reading the TMOL for i don't know how many times already. 
          I discovered TMOL way back 2016. But even how many times i read it 2 or 3 times a year, it never gets old. It feels like someone written who i am. 
          By the way, my true name is Lolita. Always been left behind by friends or by love ones,  forgetable and never been remembered. At least in your book, it's feels like it's my parallel world. Someone remember lolita, someone look at her gracefully even she's a car crash and a broken glass. 
          It's been ages since i want to Thank you for making TMOL. It became a comfort of my sad soul.