
Dear All,
          	I am so sorry for the lack of updates for the past couple of weeks. I have been down with a loongg cold, which I thought had passed a few days ago, only to return crappier than before.
          	I am 99% sure this is not THE virus though, just the cold winter in the land down under :_) 
          	Anyway, thank you for reading, re-reading, following, voting, and commenting. 
          	Please stay healthy & safe, wherever you are.
          	xo Runexi


You Alive???????????????????????¿????????????????????????????????hello???????


@runexi  Thank God cause I wanna say something ..............................,,......................,..,.,.I like your Trilogy Book


Author-sama.. I am an avid lover of your trilogy, OLiNE, LYFaL, and RYfE from years and years ago.. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ That is why, your next work after that, which is You Are My String of Fate, is something I'm looking forward... I love your works, I fell in love with them.. But may I know if there's still hope? ಥ‿ಥ Last time I read your works was when all three books were newly finished.. I came back to wattpad at this time once more and firstly checked your book YamSoF to see if there were new chapters.. And when I saw three years has passed and there no updates whatsoever, I am wishing the book will still continue and it won't discontinue.. (´ . .̫ . `) Do pardon me -coughs- if that somehow sounds demanding.. -sweats- But I will and can wait! Take your time♡(ӦvӦ。) Oh, if I may, since your next arc with YamSoF is about little mermaid.. It's kind of a good time right now since the live action of Little Mermaid is kinda trending rn.. Though I'm not sure if you're the type who doesn't really care much abt trends.. I also wanted to share this work too.. xD I never ever forgot abt the trilogy and I often share them to readers I come across social media.. :> Anyways! Have I blabbered here to much..? Oof.. Just that.. I am wishing there's still hope for YamSoF work.. ( ;∀;)


i author still alive or have you dropped the novels


@JulianaKeily still alive but on an extended procrastination -_-;