Dance Lessons

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Hey what's uppppp? Anyway, I'm looking forward to this chapter so yay. I'm also really excited for Christmassss! I really miss my friends and gf though, but I have 2 video calls planned with my friends. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Sherlock's POV
It was a week before John and Mary's wedding and I was teaching John how to dance seeing as he didn't know how to. I had been helping them plan their wedding like it was mine and John's, and now I was teaching him to dance as if it were our first dance after exchanging vows though I knew it was going to be Mary exchanging vows with him, and she would be dancing with him. He had chosen her. 

We danced along to the song that I had composed for the wedding and we alternated who was leading. At the end of the song, I had to teach John how to dip Mary. 

When the song ended, I dipped John to show him how to do it. We stayed there, staring into each other's eyes. I was entranced by his deep blue eyes with brown parts in the middle. They were one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. 

John moved upwards and kissed me gently on the lips. I was surprised but I didn't pull away, I just lost myself in it. Then I realised what was happening. 

"John, no" I said pulling away. "You're getting married next week. To Mary. Not me."

John broke eye contact and looked at the floor.

"I don't want to marry Mary. I don't love her, not like I love you." He confessed. I looked down sadly at him because I loved him too but I knew that it wasn't right.  

"You need to tell her that then, because you can't do it like this. She wants to marry you and she needs to know before she walks down the aisle."

"I know. I will tell her." 

I simply nodded. 

That night, John went home and told Mary that he didn't want to marry her. He came back the next day and told me what happened. From what he told me, Mary wasn't mad. It turned out that she knew that we loved each other but were repressing it. 

He moved back in and it was extremely obvious how much happier he was. We started dating and solving crimes again as usual but this time it was better because I didn't have to hide how much I loved him. 

It was difficult to believe that the best thing that ever happened to me was because of one simple dancing lesson.








Hey yall hope you enjoyed this short chapter which took me 2 hours to write. IT'S CHRISTMAS EVEEEE YALL OMG YASSS SORRY I JUST REALLY LOVE CHRISTMAS. Anyway, I might not update Christmas day because family stuff but we'll see.     

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