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Hey plant, I wanna apologise in advance for being an awful human and creating this chapter. The other night, I was falling asleep, and I had the idea to do Sherlock crossovers with some of my main fandoms (Gilmore Girls, Torchwood, and Doctor Who are the ones I chose) and I decided to choose one of the saddest quotes from each one and use it to break you guys' hearts. Sorry. Basically, this is gonna be 3 mini oneshots in one, painfilled chapter. (Spoilers for the shows btw.)

Gilmore Girls/Sherlock crossover
John's POV
We were in hospital because Sherlock managed to get himself shot again. The bullet had narrowly missed his lung and he was lucky to still be alive. The doctors weren't even sure if he was going to survive. He was conscious at least. 

I sat next to his hospital bed, holding his hand, and we were just talking. 

"John?" He said. I looked at him. "If I die here-" No, I wasn't going to let him talk about that. 

"No!" I replied.


"Sherlock Holmes, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying will not be one of them."


"No! I did not sign on to your dying. And it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear?"

He chuckled at this and nodded. "Yes, John, you may go first." I squeezed his hand and tears slipped out of my eyes. I couldn't lose my husband in that hospital that night. 

Thankfully, I didn't, it was a long time before I lost him, but I also didn't get to go first.

Okay so that was the first one and I'm already crying. This was from Season 1 episode 10 (Forgiveness and Stuff), in the hospital when Richard had a heart attack and thought he was going to die, and he had the same conversation, but with his wife Emily, who he was married to for over 40 years. He died before her in the show because the actor, Edward Herrmann, died before the revival (rest in peace to him). 

Torchwood/Sherlock crossover 
Sherlock's POV
I walked into the hospital, for what was most likely the last time. I had come here every day since John was admitted there with cancer. Over the past week, his condition had worsened and the nurses warned me that it was likely that today would be his last day. 

I went through the long, brightly lit corridors until I reached John's room. Just the sight of him brought tears to my eyes. I pulled up a chair next to his bed and I sat on it. He opened his eyes, and when he saw me, he tried to sit up, but he struggled. I shook my head at him.

"The nurses said that-" I started "I know." I nodded my head and took his hand in mine. 

"Doctor John Watson of the fifth Northumberland fusiliers, it has been a great pleasure knowing you and working with you. I love you and I will miss you."

"Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes, it has been a great pleasure knowing you too. I love you too." He squeezed my hand slightly. His heartbeat slowed by the minutes.

When I looked up at John's face, I saw that his cheeks were stained with tears. I lifted my hand and softly wiped away the tears. 

"It's been good, yeah?" He whispered.


I lifted his hand and kissed it gently. Tears slipped from my eyes as his heartbeat slowed and then stopped all together. 

I released his hand and stood from my chair. I leaned in and kissed him on the forehead, and I brushed the hair off his forehead slightly. 

"Goodbye John."

That one only had one Torchwood quote (the "It's been good, yeah?" "Yeah". It's from COE Day 4 with the 456 and the incident that we don't speak of occurred.) but this still made me cry. One more to go.

Doctor Who/Sherlock crossover - warning, I'm gonna quote River Song, so if you don't life her, skip this bit
John's POV
I had been kidnapped by Moriarty as a part of his whole big plan to "burn the heart out of Sherlock". It had been about 3 days since I had been taken by James Moriarty and I was starting to lose faith in Sherlock saving me. I knew that it would take him a while, but I couldn't help but feel all alone.

One day, Moriarty had Sebastian drag me into a room which was very elegantly decorated. I wasn't surprised. Moriarty was one of the classier serial killers. 

Speaking of Moriarty, he was stood there, right in front of me. Next to him were two tall men holding pistols, and Sebastian held me at the collar of my shirt. The room was a big dining room, completely empty, and it was filled with several tables with chair around each one. There were deep red curtains which hung next to all of the many windows. 

I thought about trying to run, but this was the worst possible way to react. If I tried to do that, then I knew that I would be dead in moments, plus Sebastian was holding on to me too tight. 

"So, Johnny boi, it seems that I hid you too well, or maybe Sherlock doesn't love you as much as it seems, or maybe he doesn't love you at all." Moriarty taunted. I knew that he was just doing it to mess with me, but I knew he was right. Sherlock didn't love me.

"I don't expect him to come and save me. I love him, but when you love Sherlock Holmes, it''s like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you that Sherlock is not stupid enough, sentimental enough, and he certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me." I yelled back at the psychopath who stood in front of me. 

"Oh. That's rather disappointing. I was rather looking forward to killing him, it would be quite the achievement."

"Yes it would." Came a voice from behind me. I didn't need to turn around to see who was talking. I knew that voice. 

There were three loud gunshots behind me, two going through the heads of the men who stood next to Moriarty, and one hitting Sebastian.

Moriarty grabbed me and held a gun to my head, and I was spun around to look at Sherlock. He was pointing a gun at Moriarty's head, and Moriarty's gun was still held to my head.

"Shoot me and your pet dies." Moriarty said.

No one said anything, no one broke the silence. My heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour. I knew that there was basically no chance of me making it out of this room alive. 

I closed my eyes, preparing for the darkness that was about to consume me. There was a loud bang and I flinched, but I was still alive. I felt the warm spray of blood hit my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw Moriarty's body on the floor, and he was bleeding from the head. 

I looked over at Sherlock and he looked equally as confused. He stared at his gun, as if he was wondering whether or not he actually shot it.

"Isn't anyone going to thank me?" (Squeaks in "The Waters Of Mars") The voice came from behind me, so I spun around. I saw Mycroft holding his umbrella-gun. 

"Thank you, Mycroft." He just nodded at me, turned on his heel, and walked away.

I turned around to look and Sherlock, and I walked over to him.

"Are you okay John? Did he hurt you?" His eyes were filled with concern.

I shook my head and laughed lightly at him. "I'm fine, Sherlock, just a bit blood-covered. I would hug you but y'know." I gestured to the blood that was splattered across my body. 

He shook his head and pulled me into a hug, nuzzling his head into my shoulder.

"I thought I had lost you" He whispered.

"I'm fine, Sherlock, I swear." I replied.



Hey that one was pretty good but I cried. This is from "The Husbands Of River Song" Season 9 (?) Episode 22 (?).

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry for the wait, and the fact that it is really bad and I literally just kinda copied 3 of my favourite TV shows. I've been kinda stressed, and terrified at the thought of being an older sibling after being the youngest for 14 years. Anyway, hopefully see you guys soon, thanks for reading :) x

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