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10 years later

" Okay! That's it!"

[M/N] smiles as he placed the last box of Dib's things on the kitchen counter. Dib moved out to his own small apartment, he will be attending Professor Membrane University for Nature Science but for the main purpose to visit planets with Zim and scoop out the other alien beings. Zim will also be attending the university since the Irken had become bored of both his princely duties and being cooked up at the home. He would be studying language, one of the little to none arts at the college. He could get his PAK to understand and used the language for human conversation, but it was that or biology, but everyone knew Zim would push past the limits set.

" Zim doesn't like the paint," Zim commented, placing the many boxes down on the floor, standing up, antennas poking out from under the wig, they were moving, touching the wall then the boxes on the counter. " I want the color purple."

" They are Purple, Zim." Dib groans as He hangs up his jacket on the hook on the door. "Your eyesight is tinted pink, you wouldn't know the differences either." Dib had grown to the same height as his father, his hair filled out more and his own trademark cowlick almost touched the floor now. He didn't wear the clothes [M/N] adored, but dark jeans, black boots with a yellow shirt with Mothman on the front of it, circular glasses, and two piercings in both ears. Not to forget his black jacket, which almost touched the ground with the cowlick.  He had grown into a fine young man, still had his quirks but wasn't as bad, not with Zim keeping him on track. They kept fighting but not as much as enemies but as friends, with a fight, that gets violent once in a while.

" I don't care if I can't see it, but I know this isn't purple! It's dark blue, Purples dirty slut cousin." Zim said, waving his arms around as Dib glared at him a bit. [M/N] flicks Zim's cheek, making the Prince hiss. " Don't flick Zim's cheek!"

" Don't cuss in front of your siblings." [M/N] chided as a box was pushed inside. Zim grumbled, as there were two grunts, [M/N] looked at it, smiling a bit. His antennas perking in the air, as he watched the box move forwards. Zim huffed when the attention was off himself, his gaze lowered to the ground as two smeets pop out from behind it. 

"Papa, why'd you leave the box for us? This was too heavy." The male whines, his antennas poking through the disguise, making his [H/C] hair go in and out. 

"Stop being a baby, I had it under control until you wanted to help!" The other boy hissed, his black-haired disguise hiding him well unlike the other. They both looked like Mateo, having some features of [M/N] in their hologram disguises. Some thought they did some surrogate thing but [M/N] actually birthed them, from their eggs, the whole ordeal was not good at all, it actually made the leader prissy during the whole thing. 

"Hey, stop fighting-"

"STOP FIGHTING YOU LITTLE ACCIDENTS!" Zim roars and it caused the whining one to cry, his antennas hanging low. Dib smacked the back of Zim's head, and moved forwards, lifting up the ten-year-old. " What? I told them to stop fighting."

"You don't yell at a ten-year-old, Space-bug." Dib huffed as Zim growls, yelping when the other male child started kicking Zim's leg, even going far to biting down. Zim tries to shake him off but that only made Valentino bite down harder, Zim squeals in pain, trying to yank him off but [M/N] shook his head in amazement. He walked over, lifting Valentino off his leg. 

" You vile little thing!" Zim hissed, bending down to rub his wound, " Thank the Tallest that I won't be seeing you anymore."

"The feelings mutual, big bug freak!" Valentino snapped, and both let out chirps before [M/N] lets out the largest chirp, they stopped. " Papa, can we go? We dropped them here at this hovel, now let's goooooo."

"Geez, thanks Valentino, you have a way with words," Dib said sarcastically before offering Miles to [M/N], who picks him up with ease.  " But yeah, Dad's probably home, dealing with Cam too. The house must be a mess." Cam was the triplet's only sister. She took more of Mateo's looks, minus his skin. She reminded [M/N] a bit of Zim as a Smeet, but she didn't start fires, she started bombs. Glitter bombs, but still very powerful. 

" Yeah, but you boys better be coming home for Sunday night dinner." [M/N] said as he balanced the two children in his arms with a smile. 

" Wouldn't miss it for anything," Dib said, as Zim huffed. 

" If I must."

"Zim, be nice, you-" [M/N] tunes out the argument as he began walking out of their nice home, unlike the hovel that Valentino said. He began walking down the stairs, making sure not to trip as he enters the mini-ship, or well, mini-van that most humans called it now. Once it was up and running, also strapping the kids into their seats, [M/N] was off with a smile. He turns the music up when Miles meekly requested it. 

[M/N] smiled a bit as he nods his head to the music, driving towards their home. His eyes drifted to the two children sitting behind him, both nodding their heads to the music. Their disguises off finally after a long day. They both had Irken green skin, purple teeth, and two long antennas, They had five fingers and five toes. One difference between them was that Valentino didn't have hair and Miles did. Their eyes were both honey-yellow, like his and Mateo's eyes mixed together. They were perfect, in his eyes, they were.

Even though in reality, Miles was a cry baby, but cute. Valentino could be an angel in one moment then a feral child in the next. Cam was just as smart as her brothers but very destructive by nature. 

Once they were at their home, the door opens to reveal Gaz in her glory, playing the GS-13 in her hands. " Hey, Dad." She greets [M/N] as the kids rushed passed her legs, " Cam made another glitter bomb."

"Did it explode on your father?" [M/N] asked, as she nods her head. She had grown as well, her hair went to her shoulders, still holding her dinosaur shaped hairstyle. She wore a tight black dress that went down to her thighs and dark purple leggings hiding the rest. She wore her bean over her head as well, with matching black boots, nothing really changed. Though, she was a video game designer and tester.

" Yep, and he's currently trying to clean the kitchen." Gaz said, moving down the stairs, " Later."

"Later my poisonous spider." [M/N] called as she hurried past, obviously embarrassed about the name in front of neighbors. He chuckled before walking in, seeing Cam sitting on the couch, grumbling about her bomb going off. 

He walked past her, entering the kitchen with a hum. He wasn't mad about the bomb, seeing his husband covered in blue glitter. He was using the mop to try and clean it. 

"Dios mío, ¿cómo diablos se volvió brillante en la luz?" Mateo mutters as he tried cleaning it before gasping when arms wrapped around his waist. He looked over his shoulder, seeing his smaller husband.

"You look beautiful." [M/N] teased as Mateo grumbled a bit, "I'm joking, my mate. Go shower, I'll clean this up." 

"But it's my mess with Cam." He said, putting the mop down, moving backwards and the goo was over [M/N]. " And it's all over you."

"Not my first time being covered in goo~" [M/n] teased as the older man gasped, his cheeks turning red, [M/N[ could tell how red he was from the tip of his ears. "I'm kidding~"

"But still, the children could hear you and-"



The two adults sigh at their triplets fighting, mostly Cam and Valentino. They turn to each other and [M/N]'s disguise came off, and his antennas lightly scenting over Mateo by instinct. A smile coming to his lips as he stared up at his mate. 

"I'll go handle the kids, you go clean up. I'm sure the house will clean on its own." [M/N] said, yanking down Mateo's collar and pressed a soft kiss against the other's lips, Mateo hummed, and wrapped his arms around his husband. He was trying not to crush him but pulled back when another screech was heard. 




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