Fell Inlove In The Back Of A Cop Car

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Whoohoo another update!

This Chapter is dedicated to @lumpydidi for being an amazing reader on my other fanfic My Brothers Bestfriends! ILYSM!

LISTEN TO SAM HUNT-COP CAR because this chapter is based on that!


-Emily POV-

10:30 pm

Its been two days since the fight between Jack and I.

9 hours, 23 minutes, 7 seconds to be exact. Not like I was counting or anything. It was a thursday night and I was sitting on my bedroom floor listening to depressing songs that made me think of Jack. I missed him. I missed his jokes, his sarcasm, his smile, his eyes. I craved his presence so badly!

My phone rang and I answered.

"Em. Meet me outside your window in five minutes." it was Jacks voice. My heart swelled immediately at the sound of his deep voice, I've been waiting for his call for ever!

"Why?" I asked already throwing on blue jeans, tank top, and black boots. My hair was wild but I didn't care, all I wanted to see was Jack Gilinsky.

"Just be there!!" He shouted and ended the call. I climbed out my window and as promised Jack was waiting there for me, the second my foot hit grass I felt his strong arms encirlce me.

I slid my arms around his neck and sank into his body. My body screamed with happiness from the contact, I hadn't felt him near me in days. We stood in the same spot for a few minutes, indulging in each other. It felt like seconds though.

"I'm so sorry, I never want to lose you Emily. I've been to proud to call or apologize but here I am." He said as he let go of me, his fingertips still hooked into mine. The small touch sent an explosion of fireworks through my body.

"You're here now Jack thats all I want." I whispered. He smiled and picked me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style to his red truck. It was a tiny gesture but it was special nonetheless.

"Where to Gilinsky?" I asked as he took off into the night, my parents would kill me if they knew I was sneaking out at this hour. I'd be grounded for 6 billion lifetimes but I couldn't care less.

"You'll see Evans." He winked.

"Oh cmon give me a hint!" I pouted. He looked at me with pleading eyes and gave in to me. "Its a special place I always escape to." He said simply.

Shortly enough we drove passed a no trespassing zone. It blocks Omaha from the airport nearby, because teens would host insane bonfires and start the fires near the planes. I eyed Jack but he smiled widely, obviously excited to show me.

We got out, he came round to grab my hand in his. Its amazing how perfect we fit, in terms of everything. Everything else didn't matter when we were together. He kissed my forhead lightly as he pulled down the tailgate of his truck.

We sat on the tailgate. It was colder now and I mentally slapped myself for not wearing a jacket. So Jack - being the sweetheart he is - drapped his jacket over both of us. I cuddled into him, his familiar scent of coffee and soap make me dizzy. I wonder if he knew how much he means to me...

-Jack POV-

We had driven right pass the no trespassing sign and were sitting on the tailgate of my truck and watched the planes take off. We were silent but it was comfortable and easy, thats how it is with Emily.

"This is beautiful Jack." she snuggled into me and watched the planes take off. There's no where I'd rather be than by her side.

We thought We'd have all night but I heard sirens behind me and knew the cops were pulling up. Emily's eyes were wide with wonder and fright, it made me chuckle slightly because I knew she'd never gotten in trouble before.

"What are you kids doing here?" An old annoyed looking officer demanded, getting out of his car. Emily shuffled looking nervous.

"Uhhh having a date?" I said cooly.

He rolled his eyes as his partner stepped out with a mock expression on his face.

"Well you two can have a date while waiting for your parents! Get in the car." He yelled. I wanted to protest but Emily pulled me into the copcar. We sat side by side while the officers talked outside.

"Oh my god! Did we just do that Jack?" She shrieked. It was cute how she had a rush of excitement in her eyes.

"You're daddy's gonna kill me! But if I survive tonight I wouldn't change one thing." I said intertwining her fingers into mine.

She beamed and there was something about the way the blue car lights were shining, bringing out the freedom in her eyes. I was too busy watching her going wild child to be worried about going to jail.

"We should make a run for it! How cool would that be!" She said shaking my arm, I patted her hand and laughed.

"You're crazy as hell you know that!" I said smirking at her wide eyes.

The officer opened the door and dangled cuffs in his hand trying to threaten us, I don't know what Emily was thinking when she asked, "Can I have a light? Haven't smoked in minutes!"

I knew she didn't smoke when she asked him for a light. I laughed. He got mad and slammed the door. "Okay you are more badass than I thought! My kind of girl." I nodded impressively making her blush. Truth is she was still innocent but she was still in my heart.

Side by side and locked in tight, the officers were taking their time but we didn't mind. We laughed and talked and she sat real close to me. She leaned in and her hand was on my chest, her lips inches away from mine.

"You're hearts beating fast." She said.


"I'm scared." I admitted.

"Why are you scared Jack?"

"Because I love you."

I gripped her cheek in my hand and crushed my lips against hers. I sighed in satisfaction when she kissed back with the same amount of passion. We both wanted this - needed this. Her body was shivering in delight when I bit her lip softly.

By the time the cops let us go I was a already gone.

I fell inlove in the back of a Cop Car.

Asdfghj best chapter ever! 
Worked extra hard on this so please tell me what you think and if you liked it!

You have to listen to Cop Car by Sam Hunt to get it.

Pls vote beautifuls ❤ ILYASM

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