Not Ready For Goodbye

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Im thinking of keeping it in a Jack POV OR adding a Jack Johnson POV. Because now that Emily is like hospital ridden, it would be silly to add how she can't wake up right? Right!

-Jack Johnson POV-

We waited in the hall way for what seemed like over 3 hours. The doctors or nurses wouldn't let us see Emily nor would they tell us anything. We have no freaking clue whether she's still alive.

God forbid.

"I'm losing my fucking mind!" Jack mumbled angrily. He was on edge the entire time, every 5 minutes he'd ask the clerk to tell him something. "She'll be okay bro." I tried to assure him but I was kidding myself.

"How can you fucking be sure! My girlfriend might be dying! And I'm just sitting here letting it happen!"

"What could you do Jack? To change it or help her!? The doctors know what they're doing so calm down!"

He stood up and paced the hallways again, agitated. "I can't... I'm going crazy JJ!" He cried, his voice breaking at the end. He collapsed to the ground, head in his hands, tears dripping through his hands.

I pulled him up again. My heart broke to see him like this, he's never cried. Never. And now he's whole life was in a shamble and there's nothing we can do about it now.

A doctor came towards us. We weren't prepared for the news about to be revealed to us.


I've been alone before, whether it be physically or emotionally. But this...this is something entirely different. I felt more than alone. I felt like half of me had be taken away from me, I felt hollow.

"Mr Gilinsky?" The doctor asked. I stood up immediately, eager for any news on Emily's condition. "Just Jack. How is she?" I asked.

He sighed holding a clipboard. My heart dropped because that was an obvious sign of bad news. I just hope she was still breathing - atleast there would be some hope. Hope: it breeds misery.

"I need you to bare with Jack, be understandable in such a difficult situation. Can you do that?" He asked smiling. I breathed heavily.

He's right. I can't let my temper take control over me no matter how bad the news is, I'd shoot an innocent person if I did. "Okay just tell me how she is." I said impatiently.

"Miss Evans is in a critical condition, she's alive yes. But still critical, the plane crash affected her more than anybody else actually." He informed us.

Johnson cursed, earning a disapproved look from the doctor. His nametag read Dr Lewis. "W-what happened exactly to her exactly?" I asked shakily. I didn't want to know but I had to.

"She had broken a few bones but those will heal in a few days time. A few burns, cuts and bruises but they should disappear in a few days too."

"So whats the big problem?" Johnson asked.

The doctor looked sad. "Her internal organs aren't functioning normally especially her heartbeat, breathing and blood flow systems. Shes been bleeding internally too. Emily's holding on by a thread."

I closed my eyes, feeling tears return for the millionth time. I was sick of crying now. "Mr Gilinsky, I hate to be blunt with you but its best to know the truth and prepare yourself if something were to happen."

I shook my head. "Nothing is going to happen! Because she's gonna be fine!"

Dr Lewis sighed deeply. "You'll be able to see Emily soon, she's still unconscious." I nodded not knowing what i should say to him. There's nothing i could say anyways.

"Thanks doc." Johnson said. Dr Lewis smiled and turned to give us some space to absorb the news.

"Doctor! Uh...what are the chances of her surviving this?" I asked sourly. It felt wrong saying those words when I knew they can't happen. I didn't even know why I want to know this? It'd just fuck me up worse.

"The odds are very low. She has - to be rough - about a 10% chance of making it due to internal damage." He said and then hurried into Emily's room, closing the door quickly.


That was her chance of waking up, surviving, being alive, living a life with me. A bloody 10% chance. I felt like I was the one dying though. If I lose Emily then I lose myself.

I'm not ready to say goodbye to her.

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