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"Miranda you're her maid of honor. You have to show up." Elena expressed.

"Mama I told her I didn't know if I was going to be able to come and to pick a back up one."

"Who the hell has a back up maid of honor Miranda?"

"I don't know, but make it a thing." Miranda stated.

"Miranda the wedding is in orange county California. Its a 2 hour flight for you. You have the dress and the plane tickets. Do not let your cousin down and be there." Elena said sternly.

"She was your maid of honor." She added.

Miranda rolled her eyes as far as she was concerned that wedding didn't count because here she was divorced. She didn't want to attend a wedding with a bunch of her family members asking what happened to her marriage. She loved her cousin and they talked all the time, but she just didn't want to do this.

"Okay mama. I will be there.” Miranda said not thrilled at all walking into work.

"Yes ma'am." Miranda gritted out as her mother rambled.

"Look mama I'm at work, so I have to call you later."

"Ok love you Mandy."

"Love you too." Miranda said frustrated.

"What's the matter?" Callie asked getting into step with her.

"My cousin is getting married." Miranda mumbled.

"And your upset about that?" Callie laughed.

"No not that. I'm happy for her. I’m upset because I don't want to go, but I have to because I'm the maid of honor." Miranda stated and then proceeded to cover her ears as Callie squealed.

"Oh my God Bailey. You're someone's maid of honor."

"Why are you squealing, I was yours and I officiated your wedding."

"I just didn't know you had a real life outside of this hospital."

"Oh please Torres." Miranda stated putting a hand over her head.

"I'm serious. Ever since the divorce you do absolutely nothing, but work and take care of Tuck.

"What else am I supposed to do?" Miranda sneered.

"Get back out there. Start dating again, have sex." Callie listed.

"I'm going to a wedding Callie. A three day wedding at that."

"What are you going to be wearing?"

"I have absolutely no idea. I need to go shopping. I need a bathing suit, sundresses, club wear and dinner outfits.

"When is the wedding?"

"In three weeks."

"Okay how about this, we go shopping and make a day of it." Callie suggested.

"That would be great." Miranda smiled.

"Okay great."

"Alright. I got work to do see you later.

The weekend slowly came and Miranda threw on some capris’ and a blue top. Throwing her hair in a ponytail.

She met Callie at the mall and they began walking around together.

"When are you getting your hair done?" Callie asked.

"Friday morning. There will be welcome cocktails at a roof top bar that evening. Then on Sunday I will get my hair done again that morning" Miranda stated.

"What's the whole itinerary so I know what we are looking for today."

Miranda pulled out her phone and found the itinerary in one of her many messages.

Okay Friday cocktails at 5pm
Saturday breakfast , pool, spa, or golfing during the day time.  5pm rehearsal wedding. 6:30 rehearsal dinner. 9pm bachelor and Bachelorette party.

Sunday breakfast and more time to relax
5 pm wedding followed by cocktails, dinner, and dancing.

Monday 10 AM Farewell brunch.

"Damn that's a lot and who's spending that kind of money?"

"Right, that's what I said and she's marrying a doctor. An anesthesiologist."

"That explains it. Let's go find some clothes for this packed schedule then."

Miranda and Callie shopped for hours. They went back and forth several times on how revealing the clothes that Callie picked out were.

Finally coming to a mutual agreement they found dresses that would show her cleavage and hug her figure tightly. She had one or two that were deep cuts. Showing the smooth valley between her breast. She had one piece bathing suits with the sides cut out and a few bikinis. Her sundresses showed the curve of her ass and she now understood why men liked women in them so much as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Miranda wanted to look sexy for the week of the wedding. Callie was right she never got out and it might be fun.

After buying all those clothes. Miranda and Callie left to get something to eat.

Getting off the plane Miranda took a taxi to the resort they would be staying at for the next few days.

"Hey daddy." Miranda sung happily answering her phone.

"You're in California already?" He questioned.

"Yes sir, just got to my room not too long ago."

"Okay that's great. Your Mother and I land tomorrow morning, so we shall see you at the breakfast."

"Okay see you tomorrow daddy and have a safe flight."

After hanging up with her father. Miranda walked around the suite she was in. It was beautiful and looked liked a small apartment with a patio that over looked a path for jogging she assumed. Checking her time she had an hour to get ready for tonight.

She wrapped a scarf around her hair before putting a shower cap on. Taking a 10 minute shower she got out and dried off then lotion down.

Unpacking her bag Miranda pulled out a gold dress that Callie specifically picked for cocktails at the rooftop bar.

It was a gold twist front plunging neckline midi dress. She paired it with gold heels.

Miranda did her make up quickly. Then her hair. She wanted to look her best. She wasn't to excited about seeing her family members at all.

Miranda walked down to the venue instead of waiting for the shuttle. She was already late and they wouldn't go for another 10 minutes.

Arriving she walked in and followed the sign up the stairs. She took in the room filled with people and looked around. It was beautiful and beautifully decorated. She saw a lot of family and waved to some. She needed a strong drink before she started making rounds and speaking.

"Damn, who is that?" Ben asked turning to his best friend pointing as Miranda made her way to the bar.

"That's Morgan's cousin Miranda. The maid of honor."

"This family is blessed." Ben stated taking in Miranda. She was absolutely beautiful. The most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, the dress she had on hugged her figure perfectly. He could tell she was short in stature even with the tall heels she had on.

"What does she do and where does she live?" Ben asked quickly.

"She is a surgeon and she lives in Seattle Washington." Johnathan answered.

Ben watched as she spotted Johnathan and smiled walking over with a glass in her hand. Whiskey he presumed.

"She's coming introduce me. Make sure you say doctor." Ben whispered and Johnathan laughed.

"Johnathan." Miranda smiled lightly.

"Miranda." He smiled hugging her.

"Haven't seen you in ages." She smiled.

"Yeah well someone's always busy. I'm glad you could make it." He stated and she smiled.

Ben looked her over up close and he studied her features. A beautiful smile, gorgeous doey brown eyes, a button nose, thick lips. She was the full package.

"Miranda this is my best friend Dr. Benjamin Warren. Ben this is Morgan's cousin Dr. Miranda Bailey."

Miranda shook his hand and took in Jonathan's friend. Her breath hitched he was handsome. Maybe the most sexiest man alive. She studied his features slowly and noted his coffee brown eyes and a killer smile.

The two were staring at each other caught in a trance still shaking hands.

"It's nice meeting you Miranda." Ben stated breaking her trance and she blushed.

"It's nice meeting you too Ben Warren." She spoke quickly dropping his hand. She wondered if he felt the same tingle when their hands connected.

"Miranda." Morgan squealed causing her to turn around.

"Hi. Oh my goodness." Miranda sung happily hugging her with one arm.

"You look stunning."

"Thank you. You do too. You have a glow." Miranda complimented.

"It's all him." Morgan laughed pointing at Johnathan.

"I bet." Miranda teased.

"I see you met Ben." Morgan smiled nodding at him.

"I have." She stated blushing looking over at Ben again and he smiled.

"Did he tell you he was a doctor yet?"

"Your soon to be husband may have mentioned that in the introduction, but he didn't say what kind." Miranda said sweetly.

"I'm an anesthesiologist." Ben jumped in.

"So I take it that's how you both met?" Miranda countered nodding between the two men.

"Yep, We met first day intern year."

Miranda nodded.

"So what kind of surgeon are you?" Ben asked.

"How did you know I was a surgeon." Miranda requested playfully. He must have asked about her before she walked over.

"Uh some one may have mentioned it." Ben answered.

"I'm Chief of General surgery." Miranda admitted.

"Chief." Ben said out loud while running it through his head.

Miranda watched as Morgan elbowed her fiancé for an exit plan.

"Um excuse us we need to greet some more of our guest." He said grabbing Morgan's waist and walking off.

"I don't think we were supposed to see them elbow each other." Ben remarked.

"We definitely weren't, but it was so obvious." Miranda chimed.

"I'm not mad at them though, they left me with the most beautiful girl in the room." Ben said confidently.

"Uh um... thank you." Miranda blushed and stuttered nervously.

"You do that a lot." Ben observed.

"Do what?" Miranda inquired.

"Blush." He answered simply.

"I do not."  She protested.

"You do and it's beautiful and cute." He cheesed causing her to blush again. Miranda put her head down quickly looking away from him.

"There it goes. " Ben smiled.

"I'm not blushing." Miranda sneered. "My cheeks are naturally red right here.

"Okay Chief Bailey."

Miranda smiled. "You can't call me that yet, only when I become Chief Of Surgery.

"Let's speak it into existence."

Miranda smiled and nodded before sashaying away. She mingled and talked to her family members. Respectfully dodging all the questions about Tuckers whereabouts and others about her divorce.

She was excited when the party was coming to a close. She was absolutely starving those hors d’oeuvres where nothing. She walked down the stairs and made her way outside.

To the left of her Ben was standing with his hands in his pocket. "I'm going for a walk care to join me?" Ben asked her.

Miranda looked down at the heels on her feet. She wanted to use the heels that adorned her feet as an excuse to say no. This man made her nervous. Nervous than she had ever been in her life.

I-I would love to um walk with you, but I have on heels." She responded.

"Just take them off." Ben smiled lightly.

"Uh the ground is very unsanitary Dr. Warren." Miranda stated chuckling.

"You will be fine for a few hours."

"A few hours. What kind of a walk is this Benjamin Warren. This is starting to sound more like exercise." Miranda said raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't mean that." Ben replied laughing. He loved the way she said his full name with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.

"Okay." Miranda smiled. She put one hand across her breast and held them in her hand  so they wouldn't spill out as she bent over.

"I got it." Ben said quickly getting down, he undid the buckle on her heel. Miranda blushed putting her hand on his shoulder as she lifted up taking her foot out of the heel. She did the same as he un did her second one.

"Okay where to?" Miranda asked looking around.

"Down there." He pointed. "Its a path and it's lit up beautifully and it comes to a bridge that over looks a lake." Ben explained.

Miranda and Ben started walking before he asked.

"So tell me about yourself." Ben stated.

"Like what?" Miranda peered.

"Married , single, kids, no kids, likes, dis likes, dreams and aspirations."
Miranda licked her lips nervously before she spoke.

"Um okay. I'm divorce, single, and I have one son. William better known as Tuck." Miranda smiled lightly.

"What about you?" She countered.

"I'm single and I don't have any kids, but I do want some eventually." He answered honestly.

"They are definitely a handful, but they seep into your heart and oddly enough you can't ever imagine life without them." Miranda answered honestly.

Ben nodded.

"How many kids do you want?" She questioned.

"More than one. Because people that were the only child are spoiled." Ben stated seriously.

"Hey, I was an only child." Miranda replied quickly looking at him intently.

"You don't seem spoiled" He laughed.

"Because I wasn't allowed to be spoiled, that's new age stuff." She giggled.

"Let's do 21 questions." Ben suggested.

"21 questions. I’ve only played one time ever and that was in college."

"Why not high-school? That's where you first start."

"I was the shy nerdy girl, in the band with glasses. So I didn't have many friends."

"You the shy nerdy girl." Ben said in disbelief looking her up and down.

"Yes me.  I didn't always look like this and have this confidence."

"Miranda I'm completely sure that you have always looked like this. This kind of beauty and shape doesn't just pop up on you."

Miranda didn't know why she was so tickled, but she couldn't stop laughing at his logic.

"I can't believe they didn't have any good food at that cocktail party." Miranda said sighing.

"None at all." Ben laughed. "There is a tavern at the end of this trail. They have good chicken wings" he suggested.

"Yeah let's do it." Miranda smiled.

They talked some more until they saw a place lit up and you could here music and people coming from it.

Miranda took in the pretty building with gazebo lights and people were outside eating. She smiled reading the name The Tavern Grill.

Ben squatted down and took her heels from her hand. Miranda lifted one of her feet off the ground and she watched intently as Ben brushed the bottom of it off before sliding her heel on her foot. He repeated and did the same on the other side.

"Thank you." Miranda beamed trying to calm the swarm of butterflies in her stomach.

"No problem." Ben said putting his hand on the small of her back ushering her to the door.

He opened and let her walk in.

"You can sit anywhere and we will be right with you." The hostesses called out before handing them menus.

Miranda and Ben sat at a table in the corner of the restaurant after he pulled her chair out.

"How do you know about this place? It's so secluded.

"My job, treated us to this resort for a weekend seminar." Ben explained and Miranda nodded.

"What hospital do you work at ?"

"UCLA Medical center. You?"

"Seattle grace Mercy west.

"Mmm # 1 hospital on the west coast." He commented.

"Yep that's us. I know that it's sad for you all that you keep coming in second to us." She teased.

"Weren't you all #12 recently." Ben teased. "Not even the top 10%."

"That was a error." Miranda lied laughing.

Miranda order sweet and spicy wings, while Ben order hot. They drunk alcoholic beverages. The rest of the night their conversation flowed so perfectly. It was like they had known each other for years. The chemistry between them was unexplainable.

Walking back with him Miranda couldn't stop smiling as they joked and talked back and forth. Her breath hitched when he slid his hand in hers a little ways into the trip back.

They walked into the lobby of the resort and Ben and her rode the elevator upstairs to her floor. Stopping in front of her door.

She smiled at him. "This is me." She gestured to the door.

"Thank you for walking and having dinner with me. I had a really great time tonight Miranda."

"My pleasure and I had a good time tonight too Benjamin Warren." Miranda responded softly.

"Goodnight and see you tomorrow." Ben smiled before kissing her cheek. Miranda's cheek tingled as he kissed it. Her face grew warm and she was sure he noticed.

"See you tomorrow." She mumbled going inside.

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