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Miranda opened her door and smiled seeing her son.

"Hi baby." Miranda cooed bending down to hug him.

"Tucker." Miranda greeted nonchalantly. She stood up looking him over and saw bags and a suitcase.

"Are you going out of town?" Miranda asked irritated.

"No, a piped busted at my apartment and it won't be ready for two weeks. I was hoping that I could stay with you until then."

Miranda eyes widened. "Tuck go to your room for mommy."
She waited until Tuck was gone before speaking.

"Tucker Jones are you out of your damn mind. No." Miranda stated crossing her arms.

"Miranda it's not that long. Please."

"No I-I can't." She stuttered.

"What you have a boyfriend or something that isn't okay with me staying."

"I do have a boyfriend and no he wouldn't be okay with this."

"Miranda I'm your sons father."

"Who can stay in a hotel."

"Miranda really?"

"Yes really."

"Please. Miranda you know I don't beg."

"So don't." She sneered looking into his face.

Miranda blew out a breath. She guessed it wouldn't be that bad and she had a guest room.

"Okay you can stay."

"Thank you." Tucker smiled pulling her into a hug. Miranda stiffen at his touch.

"Too much." He laughed.

"Yeah too much." Miranda answered.

Miranda let Tucker inside and showed him to the guest room and where everything was.

She looked up when he came out into the living room.

"Oh how cute." Tucker stated picking up both of her picture frames. The one were they agreed to be girlfriend and boyfriend and then the one were they were at a concert on the beach and she had a pineapple colada in her hand.

"See that's the quickest way for you to get put out." Miranda told him seriously.

"You two seem serious how long have yall been together? Tucker asked looking at the other pictures.

"A year and 3 months." Miranda stated smiling. Ben and her came along way.


"Wow what?"

"Nothing just wow."

Miranda had been feeling sick for the past few days. Keeping her conversation with Ben minimal because their schedules were opposite and when he called she was extremely tired or a sleep.

Hearing a knock at the door Miranda walked out of the kitchen.

"Do you want me to get it?" Tucker asked.

"No I'm the one who lives here. I got it." Miranda said and she opened the door with a pink nightgown on.

Pulling it open she stood shock. Her boyfriend stood with his bags. What was he doing here she thought to herself. Oh shit today must have been the 12th and she completely forgot about it.

Ben pulled her into a tight hug and Miranda quickly hugged him back. Releasing her Ben kissed her lips firmly and Miranda moaned into his mouth instantly wrapping her arms around his neck.

Ben kissed her passionately using all his pent up frustration. He missed her so much. He turned his head kissing her and he saw a man staring at them with a scowl. He was wearing pajamas and had a bowl of popcorn in his hand. Pulling back he looked down at Miranda then back up at the man.
Miranda whimpered when he let her bottom lip go slowly and she heard Tucker clear his throat from behind her. She mentally groaned how was she going to explain this.

"Ben this is my Ex-husband Tucker. Tucker this is my boyfriend Ben." Miranda said softly.

She watched as the two men stared each other down without saying a word. This was awkward.

"Ben." Tuck yelled running out hugging him.

"Hey buddy." Ben greeted hugging him back.

"I got new cars. You want to see." Tuck asked looking up at the taller man.

"Yeah, let me put my bags up and then I will be there." Ben responded grabbing his suitcase and duffel bag leaving Miranda and Tucker standing there.

Miranda could tell that Ben was pissed. The vein on his neck was evident and on display and his tone of voice was much deeper than normal. He was trying to keep his cool.

She swallowed hard shutting the front door and walking to her room.

"Mandy the movie is about to start." Tucker said loud enough so Ben could hear.

Miranda clicked her teeth. "I will be out in a minute Tucker."

She walked into her room shutting the door she saw Ben sitting on her bed.

"Ben I-I--" Miranda started.

"Not now Miranda." Ben said blowing out a breath.

"Baby we need to talk." Miranda said softly.

"I said not now Miranda. I do not want to talk to you while I am pissed the hell off." Ben voiced loudly.

Miranda nodded staring into his eyes. Ben knew he hurt her feelings by the look on her face.

Ben took a deep breath and walked across the hall to Tuck's room. He played with him awhile before telling him to take a bath and get ready for bed.

He waited for Tuck to get out the shower and dressed in his pajamas. He made sure he brushed his teeth and he saw Miranda standing in the door watching them. Turning around Miranda was gone.

Ben looked out into the living room and saw her sitting on the couch laughing at the movie with her ex-husband.

Ben fist distinctively balled. He walked into Miranda's room and got a pair of basketball shorts out and a towel.

Walking out he went into the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle.

"Where you going? You are welcome to watch movies with us." Miranda cursed herself why the hell did she just say that.

"To the gym." Ben stated opening and closing the door.

Miranda sat on the couch for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and standing. She went to her room to grab her robe and slippers.

She walked down to the gym quietly trying to think of something to say. She watched him hit the punching bag over and over again before she went in.

When he stopped for a brief moment she spoke softly.  "Babe let me explain." Miranda said standing in front of the punching bag.

"Go ahead explain." Ben said crossing his arms.

"Tuckers apartment flooded last week because pipes burst and he needed a place to stay so he has been staying with me."

"He couldn't stay at a hotel?" Ben asked.

"With my son?" Miranda countered.

"No Tuck could stay with his mother." Ben gritted out. "You said his apartment flooded last week. So how long has he been staying with you."

"7 days." She answered honestly.

"Are you fucking kidding me. At what point were you going to tell me that." Ben voiced.

"Ben I was going to tell you I just didn't know how." Miranda responded fidgeting with her hands.

"So this is better letting me fly into town and get to your apartment and there is a man there in his pajamas."

"No this wasn't better. I honestly forgot you were coming."

"You forgot! So you were never going to tell me. That's great."

"No I knew something important was happening today I just couldn't. We haven't really spoken in 3 days. Ben I didn't think it was a big deal." Miranda stated.

"Okay so it would be okay if my ex girlfriend comes to stay for 7 days and we talk almost everyday and I never mention it. Then you show up and she is standing in a nightgown. It wouldn't be a big deal right." Ben asked nose flaring and raising and eyebrow.

"It's no way you should have forgotten.
We talked about it. I gave you the date and time weeks ago. So for me to come into town and not only am I not going to be able to spend time with you, but to find out your ex-husband is living with you.

You don’t prioritize or communicate. That's all I ever ask. This relationship is hard as it is because I never see you, but keeping secrets is not going to make it better."

Benjamin I wasn't keeping a secret. I was going to tell you." She responded. She really was going to tell him maybe after he left, but still.

"Should I even be here at all? Are you in this relationship or is it just me?"

"If you can even question it. Then why are you with me.” Miranda sneered
"You are right. I will be leaving in the morning."

Miranda’s chest instantly started aching, but she still nodded slowly. Miranda wanted to apologize and tell him to stay. At this point the both of them could stay in a hotel while Tucker and Tuck stay at her place. She figured when they both cooled down. They would talk in the morning.

Miranda woke up the next morning and she heard movement in her bathroom. Smiling to herself he didn't leave.

"Baby I'm sorry." Miranda said softly opening the bathroom door.

She frowned seeing Tuck washing his hands.

"What are you doing in my bathroom?

"Daddy is in the other one and I had to use it.

Miranda nodded grabbing her robe she walked to the living room looking around she saw Ben's things were gone. Her eyes instantly watered and tears fell out her eyes.

He really left.

She walked slowly to her bedroom and climbed into her bed crying. Pulling herself together. She called his phone. Sighing when he didn't answer.

"Ben baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I should have told you. I was wrong. Call me please." Miranda said softly into the phone leaving a voice-mail.

Miranda felt sick to her stomach and nausea. So much so that she ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach.

She didn't know a break up could do this too you. With Tucker she was sad, but never to the point of vomiting.

"Hey Miranda. I'm going to the grocery store. Do you need anything."

"Ginger ale and saltine crackers."

"Are you still sick." Tucker asked from outside the bathroom door.

"A little bit." Miranda whimpered.

"I thought you were feeling better."
"I did too." She admitted. She didn't want to tell him that this was just heart break.

"Maybe you should go to the doctor." He suggested.

"I am a doctor." Miranda sneered.

"Okay well I'm taking Tuck with me and we will be back." He stated.

Miranda brushed her teeth and climbed back into bed. She tried Ben again. But he still didn't answer.

"Benjamin Warren. I can't give you a proper apology if you don't answer. I’m really sorry." Miranda huffed. She sent him a text hoping he would respond or at least read it.

Turning over Miranda took a nap.

Two days passed and Miranda never could reach Ben she left so many voice-mails and text messages.

Hearing her phone ring. Miranda quickly pulled it out her coat pocket hoping it was Ben.

She sighed heavily when it was no one other than her cousin.

"Hey Morgan."

"Hey girl how did it go? I know you said yes. I didn't call you on the weekend because I figured you two would still be celebrating." She said excitedly.

"Wait what? Ben was going to propose?" Miranda questioned shocked.

"Uhhh no. I didn't say that." Morgan answered quickly trying to cover up what she said or just told.

"Morgan just tell me." Miranda snapped.

"Yes. He was going to propose this weekend. He had it planned out. He was coming into town Friday night. Then Saturday he rented a yacht since you've never been and he hired this company that had will you marry me lights so you would be able to see them out on the water." She explained giving all the details that Miranda didn't really want.

"Oh my God." Miranda said sadly crying.

"Oh Miranda what's wrong why are you crying."

Miranda walked to a on-call room quickly wiping her eyes.

"We got into an argument on Friday and he left. He hasn't answered my calls since."

"Miranda I'm sorry and for also ruining the surprise he had."

"It's okay. You didn't know." She expressed sniffing.

"He will come around. Was it a big argument?"

"No it was, but it wasn't. He asked if he should leave after and I nodded yes, but I didn't think he was. I was going to apologize in the morning, but he was already gone."

"Aww Miranda it doesn't seem like it was that bad. He will come around."


"Bailey are you okay? You look sick.” Callie asked concern as Miranda walked out the on call room.
I'm fine."

"No you are not."

"Ben was going to propose." Miranda confessed.

"Oh my goodness. How do you know?" Callie frowned.

"Morgan called congratulating me a few minutes ago and she thought he did because he planned to when he came down two days ago."

"I'm sorry Miranda. He's still not answering?"

"No." She sighed.

"Maybe you should go out there and apologize. You have the key to his apartment."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to intrude if he doesn't want to see me."

"He's probably just mad. He won’t turn you away."

"I just want him to call me. I will never complain about how dramatic people are during their break ups again because this hurts physically. I'm tired of crying and these stupid hormones that come with it."

"What hormones?" Callie questioned confused.

"My breast are hurting, I'm hungry, I'm nauseous, then I'm a crying mess."

"Miranda it sounds to me like you’re pregnant."

Miranda's mouth fell open and eyes widened. She did the mental math. The last time she had sex with Ben was 2 almost 3 months ago. Her last cycle was 2 almost 3 months ago.

Callie watched her face contort as she was breaking down. Miranda ran into Callie's arms and cried hysterically.

"I'm pregnant and the father of said Baby is not answering my calls." Miranda cried.

"We don't know that. It could be stress. Let's just get some test and take them."

Miranda nodded her head and sat down on the bed.

Callie came vack with the test and a cup for Miranda to use. She walked to the bathroom and came back with it.

She let Callie stick the three test in the cup and they talked while they waited.

After 3 minutes Miranda stood shakily and looked at the two pink lines on all three test.

"Holy shit. I’m pregnant." Miranda stated in disbelief putting her hand on her face.

"Aww Bailey congratulations."

Miranda looked at her with a mean mug. Did she look happy. She always wanted more kids, but right now she was iffy.

"What I hope it's a girl." Callie expressed.

Miranda smiled softly that's what she wanted.

"This is crazy and definitely unexpected, but I'm kind of excited."

"Is it really unexpected. Did you even attempt to use condoms?"

"Uhhh no. No we did not."  Miranda said embarrassed.

"BAILEY." Callie shouted.

"It never crossed my-our mind." Miranda corrected.

"Ben created a whole new person. I should scold you like you would have done to me."

"Tisk tisk." Miranda laughed.

"I’m glad you're laughing." Callie smile.

"Me too." Miranda replied.

"Lets go get an ultrasound so we can see the baby." Callie suggested and Miranda nodded widely.

Miranda got ultrasounds printed she was actually 12 weeks pregnant. 2 more weeks and she would be in her second trimester. She got the pictures printed and she couldn't help, but to think about Ben.

Going home that night. Miranda sat in her car and dialed Ben again hoping he would just pick up?

"Hello Ben." Miranda said urgently when it picked up.

"Mrs. Warren?" The woman asked. Miranda paused before responding.

"This is she." Miranda lied.

"This is nurse Cheryl Atkins at Santa Monica Medical Center. I only picked up because I saw your name with a heart beside it. You have been calling everyday. I figured you were his spouse."

"Yes um we just got married." Miranda said quickly. "I live in Seattle. We are doing a commuter marriage ,live apartners. Until a position opens up for him here." She explained wanting the woman to believe her.

"I haven't heard from him in two days, but I figured he was ignoring me because we recently got into an argument."

"Mrs. Warren  You need to come to L.A. Urgently." She expressed.

Miranda's face fell and her heart started racing.

"What happened to Ben? What happened to my husband?" Miranda asked concerned and alert.

"He was in a car accident two days ago ma'am."

"Oh God." Miranda said tearfully taking in the information.

Miranda listened as she talked not really hearing anything she said.

"I'm booking a flight now and I will be there in a few hours."

They said there goodbyes and she walked quickly into her apartment packing a suitcase.

"I have to go. You can stay here in my apartment with Tuck for as long as you need to. I will call you when I can." Miranda said tearfully to Tucker as she grabbed different things.

"Is everything okay? Is it your parents?"

"No it's not my parents. I just need to go to --"

"Him." Tucker filled in and Miranda nodded.

"Here let me get Tuck some shoes on and I will take you to the airport. You can't drive like this."

Miranda was grateful for his kindness, because she couldn't even think straight at the moment.

Tucker drove her to the airport and got out helping her get her suitcase.

"Text me when you land and text me if you need me to pick you back up from the airport."

"I will thanks for this." Miranda smiled.

"It's not a problem,  go to him.."

Miranda nodded and kissed Tuck's head before walking inside the airport.

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