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one way or another – blondie

[ trigger warning: homophobic slurs ]

around seven in the morning, richie's arm were tightly wrapped around y/n's waist, his lips were close to her forehead, the air that escapes his nose were fanning over her hairline. he woke up to y/n—mumbling inaudible words in her sleep. rubbing his eyes, he searches for his glasses and put it over his nose.

the view made him plaster a lazy goofy smile on his face, wrapping his arm on her waist again, he tugs her closer to his chest, the other arm was used as her pillow. he's pretty sure it will leave a static tingle for hours of being used as a pillow, but he thought it's worth it because of the girl laid down beside him.

a truly dream come true.

he'd probably get cocky when he meets his third-grade self.

just as he closes his eyes and starts to fall asleep again, he realized something that he swore his soul left his body for a second.

richie's body jerked away from the girl, but went back close to her again as the sleeping bag push him back like a rubber band. these actions made y/n's head fell from his arm to the floor, creating a quiet thud and a hiss escape her lips.

"get away from me!" richie quietly shrieks, trying to get up from the sleeping bag, but his legs were tangled with y/n's.

"what?" she asks groggily, "i don't want to." y/n whines, putting her arm back on his side and tries to pull him close. "jesus, richie. stop dancing!"

"shit!" he groaned when the girl's stomach was pressed against his. well, he wouldn't complain about it if they're cuddling in a late afternoon, but mornings like this is such a bad idea.

"since when did you get a third leg?" y/n grumbles, resting her head on his chest. how do third leg forms? because i'm sure as hell i don't get one, she thought, wait. . . the girl's thought trailed off, trying to clear out her foggy mind. y/n looks up at richie, showing his brows furrowed together in worry. she shrieks, crawling out of the sleeping bag, sitting at the edge of her bed with flushed face and wide eyes.

"fucking fuck. i'm sorry!" he apologized, crawling out of the sleeping bag too, walking near her. "i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! it just happens every morning— "

"richie— "

"— it always happens with boys after waking up—"

"richie, it's fine." y/n cuts him off again.

"i swear i didn't dreamt of something steamy last night—"

"i said it's fine, richie!"

"i didn't meant to— it's fine?" richie's cheeks are slowly turning into a shade of a strawberry, embarrassment was evident on his face.

"i learned about it at school, i know it's normal." she softly says, her cheeks were also turning red. "you can use my bathroom first to. . . i don't know, fix it up? i just know how you guys deal with it."

"thanks, doll." richie nodded, both of his hand covering the area, leaned in to press his chapped wet lips on her forehead before dashing to her bathroom.

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