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powerful love – chuck & mac

"jumping at the quarry sounds nice right now." y/n spoke up as they all stare at their dirty figures in front of the glass, it was reflecting what they look like right now.

"i can't go home like this, guys." eddie added. "my mom will kill me."

"no, your smell is what will kill your mom before she could even kill you." y/n sniffs in the air.

"dude you've been gone for twenty-four straight hours. your face is definitely on a milk carton by now. also, that puke also smells like your mom's slippers." richie joined in to pick on eddie, raising a hand for a high five and for the first time ever, y/n slaps their palms together and they both leave their fingers interlaced after.

"oh, shut up richie." beverly shakes her head as she moves her bike's wheel.

"okay. first of all, my mom's slippers smell like potpourri, asshole." eddie defends.

"no, they don't" stanley joined in.

y/n laughs beside beverly as she presses the skateboard between her arm and torso.

"i thought you only have things for birds but you also sound like you have a foot fetish for how you can tell, stanley." y/n decided to add fuel to the fire, finding it funny have something to piss off eddie or bring out his defensive side.

"what? i'm being serious, y/n. you've never been inside eddie's house which is why, obviously, you wouldn't know how it feels like to have mrs. kaspbrak's feet stuck in your nose even after you went outside for fresh air." stanley spoke without pausing for air.

"can you all shut up!" eddie exasperates. "there's potpourri all over my bathroom by the way."

"eddie, potpourri is literally a french word, meaning rotten pot." richie countered, grinning along with y/n. "and your bathroom, not your mom's, eds—"

"fine! can we just go home to get some clothes so now we can go now to the quarry." eddie sighed, defeated. "but we're still not finished. my mom's foot smells like—"


"woah, woah, woah!" y/f/n raised both of his hands up in the air when y/n beat him first going inside the house. his clothes and his leather briefcase tells her that he just came home from work. "why do you smell like that, y/n/n?" he shouts behind her after inhaling the air she passed through beside his shoulder as she runs up the stairs, her boots leaving dirty marks on the floor along with a loud stomp.

"me and my friends played by the barrens, dad." y/n lied, she answered before going in her room.

she quickly starts rummaging through her clothes and not caring how it would look like when it was combined all together as she picks randomly some pieces before dashing out her room. y/n loud feet echoed around the house, making her dad jump in surprise as he was about to take a bite of a brownie he saw on the table.

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